Multiple Publication Discount
Community College Journal and Community College Daily advertisements can be run in combination to earn frequency discount levels. Call your sales representative for more information.
Postcards and Inserts
Bind‑in reply cards and inserts are accepted. Advertiser must also run a display ad. Advertisers must submit a sample to the publisher 45 days prior to publication to ensure that the card or insert meets specifications. Inserts must be supplied by the advertiser on no less than 60# and no more than 100# text stock, printed and ready for binding. Consult advertising sales representative about charges, availability, production specifications, and quantity.
Rate Accounting
Terms: 10 days from date of invoice.
Frequency Discounts: Frequency discounts are based upon the number of insertions within a 12-month period. Additional space justify lower rates will be deducted from final billing.
Short Rates: Advertising will be short rated if, within a 12-month period from the date of the first insertion, advertisers do not use the amount of space upon which their billings have been based.
Rebates: Advertising will be rebated if, within a 12-month period from the date of the first insertion, advertisers have used sufficient additional space to warrant a lower rate. Rebate will be taken from the final billing.
A contract (except for covers and preferred and specified positions or incentive plan) may be cancelled on 30 days’ written notice and the rate will be adjusted to reflect the actual number of insertions. No cancellations will be accepted after the closing date. If new copy is not received by the deadline, copy from the previous issues will be repeated. Failure to provide written cancellation by the deadline will result in the advertiser being invoiced for the full cost of the insertion. Orders for special placements cannot be rescinded.
Commissions and Conditions
Agency Discounts: Recognized advertising agencies are entitled to a 15% discount on charges for space, color, and position. Discounts are given only if the invoice is paid within 45 days. In the event of nonpayment, the publisher reserves the right to hold the advertiser and the advertiser’s agency jointly and severally liable for such monies as are due and payable. No cash discounts.
Nonprofit Rate: A 15% discount will be given to nonprofit organization, if so specified, on space rate. Where nonprofit discount applies, agency commission will not apply.
Copy, Contract Regulations: Liability for content of ads (text, representation, and illustration) is assumed by advertisers and advertising agencies for any claims arising therefrom against the publisher.
Contract Conditions
It is assumed that advertisers have read this rate card and agree to its conditions without any further contract or notice.
AACC endorses equal employment opportunity practices and accepts only ads that are not discriminatory on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or physical handicap. The acceptability of an ad for publication will be based upon legal, social, professional, and ethical considerations and must be in keeping with the professional policies of the American Association of Community Colleges.
AACC reserves the right to refuse, reject, or cancel any ad for any reason at any time without liability, even though previously acknowledged or accepted. Acceptance of an ad does not imply AACC’s endorsement of the product or service advertised. AACC is not responsible for any claims made in an ad.
All camera ready copy, artwork, photographs, and negatives received will be stored for one year and then destroyed unless otherwise specified by the advertisers. AACC assumes no responsibility for lost or damaged art.
Advertisers and advertising agencies assume responsibility for all contents of advertisements printed and each represents that it is fully authorized and/or licensed to publish the entire contents and subject matter contained in its advertisements including:
- the names, portraits, and/or pictures of living persons
- any copyrighted material
- any testimonials contained in any advertisements submitted to and published by AACC advertiser and agency will also indemnity and save harmless AACC, as publisher, against all loss, liability, damage and expense of any nature arising out of the copying, printing, or publishing of its advertisement including without limitation reasonable attorneys fees resulting from claims or suits for libel violation of rights or privacy, plagiarism, copyright, and trademark infringement
Position specifications stipulated on insertion orders will be treated as a request only and will not be binding on the publication.
Publisher shall not be liable for any costs or damages if for any reason it fails to publish an advertisement. The publisher’s liability for any error will not exceed the cost of the space occupied by the error.
The word Advertisement will be placed with copy that in the publisher’s opinion resembles editorial matter.
Failure to make insertion orders correspond in price or otherwise with the rate schedule is regarded only as clerical error and publication is made and charged for upon the terms of the schedule in force without further notice.
Advertising agency agrees to pay charges for advertising published at its direction. Rates, conditions, editorial calendar, and space units may change without notice.