About AACC

The American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) is the primary advocacy organization for the nation’s community colleges. The association represents nearly 1,000 2-year, associate degree-granting institutions and our primary audiences are the presidents/CEOs and vice presidents. 

Advertise with AACC and influence decision makers

For the purposes of ad sales, connecting through AACC means you are reaching the decision-makers at the nation’s community colleges.

Building a nation of learners by advancing community colleges

AACC is the national voice for the nation’s community, junior, and technical colleges—the largest and fastest growing sector of higher education. AACC’s membership includes more than 1,000 institutions serving more than 10 million students and is made up of higher education associations, government agencies, and corporate program participants.

AACC Readership

Publications Read on a Regular Basis
(at least 3 out of every 4 issues)

CC Journal74%
Community College Daily Weekly Digest63%
Journal of Higher Education38%
Inside Higher Education21%
EDUCAUSE Review17%
Education Week15%
American School & University12%
School Business Affairs5%

Community College Journal Readers are Seasoned Professionals

President, CEO, Other C-suite28%
Senior Management or Other Officer65%
Hold Master’s Degrees98%
Hold PhDs63%
Years Involved with Community Colleges (avg.)20

Readers with Purchasing Power

Took action as a result of reading91%
Have operating budget of $20+ million60%

Community College Journal Readers are Prime Decision Makers

Leadership Development/Career Assessment63%
Student Recruitment/Retention49%
Technology Management Services/Information Systems/Software48%
Accounting/Financial/Asset Management46%
Marketing/Public Information42%
Real Estate/Facilities Management/Energy Management/Architecture/Construction/Interior Design39%
Tuition/Financial Aid37%
Insurance/Risk Management/Safety 35%
Campus Bookstore22%
Food Service20%

CC Journal

CC Journal is the single most important publication for leaders of community colleges. They turn to it for information and insight to stay current on issues, trends, and opinions as well as for guidance on how to perform their jobs better.

The CC Journal is read by:

  • Presidents & CEOs
  • Business Affairs Officers
  • Chief Technology Officers
  • Public Information Officers
  • Academic Affairs Officers
  • Student Services Administrators





Advertise in AACC publications to

Reach influencers to boost your business

  • INTRODUCE a product or service
  • RAISE awareness of a product or service
  • EXPLAIN the benefits of a product or service
  • DIFFERENTIATE a product or service from competition
  • TAKE and MAINTAIN category leadership

Encourage readers to take action

  • DRIVE traffic to your website
  • DELIVER information on how and where to buy
  • PRESENT an offer, ask for their business, close the sale

Keep customers happy and get referrals

  • PROVIDE technical and customer service support
  • SEND customers to social media outlets to blog and tweet about your product or service

Help to establish category leadership

  • BUILD your brand image
  • KEEP your company and its products or services top of mind
  • SHOW community college leaders that you support them by supporting AACC

Editorial Calendar

IssueEditorial InformationAd closeArt Due
December 2024/January 2025Workforce Development
Features will correlate with the AACC Workforce Development Institute.
October 22, 2024October 29, 2024
February/March 2025The Funding Issue
Topics may include: Creative ways to increase revenue/resource allocation; A look at federal funding in the new legislative session; Alumni as ambassadors.
December 19, 2024January 6, 2025
April/May 2025AACC Annual Issue
Topics will correspond with AACC Annual 2025.
February 14, 2025February 21, 2025
June/July 2025The Leadership Issue
Topics may include: Onboarding board members; Preparing for the presidency; Tackling community changes and challenges; Spotlight on MiraCosta College (board chair issue).
April 17, 2025April 24, 2025
August/September 2025Spotlight on College Athletics
Topics may include: Bringing back athletics (budgeting, planning, hiring, recruiting); College branding and athletics; Helping student athletes find a balance; Making the decision to drop athletics.
June 27, 2025July 7, 2025
October/November 2025Getting to Green
Topics may include: Renovating campuses to be more environmentally friendly (from small changes to big upgrades); preparing students for the green jobs of the future; incorporating climate change curriculum across disciplines.
August 19, 2025August 26, 2025
December 2025/January 2026The Workforce Issue
Topics may include: A focus on how community colleges are working on projects created by the Infrastructure and CHIPS laws.
October 17, 2025October 28, 2025

Editorial information and deadlines are subject to change.

CC Journal Rates

Premium/Cover Positions$4,000$3,904$3,780
Full Page$3,200$3,104$2,980
2/3 Page$2,800$2,604$2,499
1/2 Island$2,450$2,278$2,118
1/2 Page$2,200$2,046$1,964
1/3 Page$1,900$1,767$1,696
1/4 Page$1,750$1,627$1,572
1/6 Page$1,550$1,441$1,383
2 Page Spread – Whitepaper/Advertorial$5,500
Full page – Whitepaper/Advertorial$4,200

CC Journal Specs

Ad Specifications

Space UnitsWidthDepth
SpreadBleed: 17.75″
Non-bleed: 14.66″
Bleed: 11.375″
Non-bleed: 9.75″
Full PageBleed: 8.875″Bleed: 11.375
Full PageNon-bleed: 7.33″Non-bleed: 9.75″
2/3 Page4.83″9.75″
1/2 Page Island4.83″7.16″
1/2 Page Horizontal7.33″4.75″
1/3 Page Vertical2.33″9.75″
1/3 Page Square4.83″4.75″
1/4 Page4.83″3.33″
1/6 Page2.33″4.75″

Frequency discounts available. 

Production Requirements for Display Advertising:

  • Printing: Web press
    Binding: Saddle-stitched
    Trim Size: 8.375″ x 10.875″
    Keep live matter at least .375″ from final trim
    Bleed: No additional charge for bleeds
  • Please export your file with bleed and no crop marks.


Promote your content in the CC Journal

With a membership of more than 1,000 institutions, the decision makers and thought leaders at the nation’s community colleges are reading CC Journal, the voice of community colleges.

Contact me to discuss leveraging your content in the CC Journal

ElementFull Page Advertorial
(1 page Total)
Advertorial Spread
(2 Pages total)
Final Advertorial SpecsFull Page w/bleed: 8.875″ x 11.375″2 Page Spread w/bleed: 17.75″ x 11.375″
Headline6 words max6 words max
Sub-headline15 words max15 words max
Body Copy200 words max375 words max
LogoJpeg or tif 300 dpiJpeg or tif 300 dpi
Contact InformationAddress/Phone/Fax/Email/WebsiteAddress/Phone/Fax/Email/Website
Ad UnitHalf Page Ad 7.33″ x 4.75″Full Page ad w/bleed 8.875″ x 11.375″
FormatSubmit one final PDFSubmit one final PDF

Community College Daily Website


News that community college leaders want, when they want it!

From legislative news that impacts policy-making and thought-leader commentary that stimulates conversations with colleagues to industry information and trends, Community College Daily website is packed with daily and breaking news, information, career advice, and job listings.


Avg. monthly sessions


avg. monthly pageviews

Rates & Specs

Ad unitSpecs1 Mon3 Mon6 Mon12 mon
Leaderboard Banner728 x 90 px + URL$1,135$970$865$755
Square Banner250 x 250 px + URL$1,020$910$795$685
Sponsored ContentAn entire article in a word document (no less than 400 words)

AACC can also run banner images within your article, or AACC can use a stock image. (777 x 437 pixels, or high-res image that can be cropped)

AACC can also include art such as a company logo and link in the article.


  • Requires SWF (40k max) with click tag and active click URL
  • Backup jpeg/gif recommended
  • Maximum animation time—15 seconds
  • Maximum loops—5
  • Recommended max frames per second (FPS)—15 FPS
  • Expanding units can be either click-initiated or on rollover (with collapse on roll-off)
  • Audio must be initiated by user click only
  • SWF file must have a click tag embedded on the ad
    • Example: “getURL(_root. clickTag,”_blank”);”


  • Maximum file size—40k
  • Maximum animation time—15 seconds
  • Maximum loops—5
  • An active click URL should be submitted with creative files

Community College Journal Digital Edition

AACC produces a digital version of the Community College Journal in addition to the print for community college leaders on-the-go. Turbocharge your visibility with specialty ad units available only in the digital version. These specialty units are limited, so reserve yours early!


annual Views

7 Mins

Average Duration

Rates & Specs

Ad UnitPer issueSpecsFormat
Right of Cover$1,545Full page built to magazine specs + URLHigh resolution PDF
Leaderboard$1,030728 x 90 pixels + URLJPEG, GIF (no animation)

See print deadlines.

Community College Journal Digital Edition Email

The Community College Journal Digital Edition Email Sponsorship is a great way to reach decision makers in the higher education industry and track your ROI! The email alerts readers not to miss out on the latest digital edition of Community College Journal.




OPen Rate


Click RaTE

Ad UnitCost Per IssueSpecsFormat
Top Leaderboard (2)$1,235625×90 pixels + URLJPEG, GIF, animated GIF, Java
Bottom Leaderboard$950625×90 pixels + URLJPEG, GIF, animated GIF, Java
Text Ad$1,05050 words + logo, URL

Community College Daily Weekly Digest eNewsletter

Delivered to subscribers every Tuesday, Community College Daily Weekly Digest summarizes new and popular articles on CCdaily.com, and ensures AACC members are kept up to date on industry trends and news.




Avg. Sent


Avg. Open Rate

Ad unitAd SizeRates
Leaderboard (One per week)625×90 px + URL$270/week
Sponsored Content• A brief headline (roughly 8 words or less)
• Teaser copy with about 25 words (with text the advertiser would like hyperlinked)

Community College Daily eNewsletter

Delivered to subscribers 5 days a week, the Community College Daily Newsletter announces the new articles posted each day on CCdaily.com and ensures that AACC members are kept up to date on industry news and trends daily.


Avg. Sent


Avg. Open Rate

Rates & Specs

Ad unitAd SizeRates
Leaderboard625×90 px + URL$590/week
Sponsored Content• A brief headline (roughly 8 words or less)
• Teaser copy with about 25 words (with text the advertiser would like hyperlinked)

Community College Voice Podcast

AACC’s official podcast, Community College Voice, is produced weekly and is available on iTunes and Google Play. Engaged audiences receive the latest news and information on products and services that matter to community colleges. Community College Voice is the only podcast about the power of the nation’s community colleges.

Our sponsorship program allows your company to become a part of this growing medium with a multi-platform advertising approach.


Avg. listeners per Episode


Total Downloads for year


Avg. Listeners per month

Package 1 — $1,500

  • Verbal recognition from host at beginning and end of podcast
  • 15 second commercial in the middle of the podcast (in the form of verbiage provided by the sponsor to be read by podcast host)
  • Company name and logo included on the podcast page on AACC’s website
  • Sponsor name and company link included Podcast footer in one send of Community College Daily Newsletter

Package 2 — $2,500

  • Verbal recognition from host at beginning and end of podcast
  • 15 second commercial in the middle of the podcast (in the form of verbiage provided by the sponsor to be read by podcast host)
  • Company name and logo included on the podcast page on AACC’s website
  • Sponsor name and company link included Podcast footer in one send of Community College Daily Newsletter
  • 728 x 90 leaderboard ad at the bottom of Community College Daily Weekly Digest
  • AACC social media package including two tweets and one Facebook post

Package 3 — $3,500

  • Verbal recognition from host at beginning and end of podcast
  • 15 second commercial in the middle of the podcast (in the form of verbiage provided by the sponsor to be read by podcast host)
  • Company name and logo included on the podcast page on AACC’s website
  • Sponsor name and company link included in Podcast footer in one send of Community College Daily Newsletter
  • 728 x 90 leaderboard ad at the bottom of Community College Daily Weekly Digest
  • AACC social media package including two tweets and one Facebook post
  • Opportunity for a sponsor representative to be featured (via call-in or in-studio guest) to interact with podcast host as a Q&A up to 5 minutes at the end of the podcast

A la Carte Sponsorship Deliverables and Rates:

  • Verbal recognition from host at beginning and end of podcast—$750
    • Beginning recognition includes sponsor name and two sentences not to exceed 50 words
    • End recognition to include sponsor name
  • 15–30 second commercial—$750
    • To be played near the middle of the podcast
    • Pre-recorded by the sponsor and provided to AACC
    • Subject to AACC review/approval

Webinar Opportunities

Share your industry expertise with thousands of community college professionals through AACC’s NEW sponsored webinar opportunity. Webinar sponsorships provide a platform to position yourself as a thought leader, showcase your expertise, and build brand awareness with key leaders across the nation’s community colleges.

Price: $10,000

  • 2 dedicated emails leading up to the webinar promoting the session.
  • 2 social media posts promoting the webinar – LinkedIn and X.
  • 60 minutes of presentation time (45 minute presentation followed by 15 minute Q&A).
  • Email sent on the sponsors behalf to all registered attendees who have opted into 3rd party communications.

Content must be educational in nature and is subject to review by AACC leadership. AACC reserves the right to decline content that it deems not aligned with the needs or interests of its member institutions. Sponsor and AACC must mutually agree on the topic, as the sponsor will present alongside a member college to discuss how the college benefited from the sponsor’s product or service.

Webinar opportunities are limited to one per month.

Social Media

Facebook: 11K followers
LinkedIn: 11K followers
Twitter: 32.4K followers

ad unitRate
1 Facebook post, 1 LinkedIn post, and 2 tweets (advertiser-provided content)$1,300

Provide links back to your website and add a photo for the Facebook post.


PlacementFeed ad image dimensions and guidelinesFeed ad character limits
FacebookRecommended image size: 1200 x 628 pixels
Recommended image formats are JPG and PNG
Text: Less than 300 characters
Call-To-Action with Link (i.e., Read more here [URL])
LinkedInSize Limit: 5MB
Specs: at least 552 (width) x 276 (height) px
Image ratio: 3:1 to 2:3
Text: 100 characters recommended; 140 max
Call-To-Action with Link (i.e., Read more here [URL])
XThe dimension of a Twitter in-stream photo must be (minimum) 600 x 335 px with a maximum of 1024 x 512. Maximum file size: 5 MB for photos and 3 MB for animated GIFsKeep the character count to fewer than 280.
Call-To-Action with Link (i.e., Read more here [URL])

Retargeting Campaign

Retargeting is a type of digital advertising that enables marketers to create highly targeted ad campaigns that reach their desired audience across the internet. By utilizing retargeting technology on association websites, marketers capture a prequalified audience to turn association members and supporters into customers of their own. 

Provide your campaign budget and your ads will run until contracted impressions are met on AACC’s website. Submitting all materials as recommended will provide the highest placement rate and allow the system to best optimize your ad campaign for performance. Keep the message simple and the text as large and easy-to-read as possible.


Advertiser to provide the materials as noted for the contracted display ads or video for the Retargeting Campaign:

Required Display Ad Assets:

Display banners for both desktop and mobile in all of these sizes:

  • 300×250
  • 300×600
  • 160×600
  • Click-through URL
  • 320×50
  • 300×50
  • 728×90

Recommended Ad Formats:

  • JPG or PNG (Static Image) 
  • GIF (Animated – Max. 15 seconds of looping) 

There is a minimum of 40,000 impressions/month.

Digital Ad Deadlines

2025 Digital ad deadlines

Month ad is
running in
Art deadline

Sponsored Eblast Deadlines

Must provide materials two weeks before your send date.

Ad Submission Requirements

  • Send digital ad materials to: [email protected]
  • When emailing us your materials, please include the client acronym in your subject line.
  • All advertisers are subject to review and publisher’s advertising policies.
  • Necessary alterations are the responsibility of and at the expense of the advertiser. All materials must be submitted in accordance with the published deadlines and meet the criteria stated in the advertising policy.

Contact your AACC
Account Executive
for more advertising information.

Laura Gaenzle

Account Executive
[email protected]

Schedule a Meeting

AACC Contract Conditions and General Advertising Information

Community College Journal and Community College Daily Advertising

Multiple Publication Discount

Community College Journal and Community College Daily advertisements can be run in combination to earn frequency discount levels. Call your sales representative for more information.

Postcards and Inserts

Bind‑in reply cards and inserts are accepted. Advertiser must also run a display ad. Advertisers must submit a sample to the publisher 45 days prior to publication to ensure that the card or insert meets specifications. Inserts must be supplied by the advertiser on no less than 60# and no more than 100# text stock, printed and ready for binding. Consult advertising sales representative about charges, availability, production specifications, and quantity.

Rate Accounting

Terms: 10 days from date of invoice.

Frequency Discounts: Frequency discounts are based upon the number of insertions within a 12-month period. Additional space justify lower rates will be deducted from final billing.

Short Rates: Advertising will be short rated if, within a 12-month period from the date of the first insertion, advertisers do not use the amount of space upon which their billings have been based.

Rebates: Advertising will be rebated if, within a 12-month period from the date of the first insertion, advertisers have used sufficient additional space to warrant a lower rate. Rebate will be taken from the final billing.


A contract (except for covers and preferred and specified positions or incentive plan) may be cancelled on 30 days’ written notice and the rate will be adjusted to reflect the actual number of insertions. No cancellations will be accepted after the closing date. If new copy is not received by the deadline, copy from the previous issues will be repeated. Failure to provide written cancellation by the deadline will result in the advertiser being invoiced for the full cost of the insertion. Orders for special placements cannot be rescinded.

Commissions and Conditions

Agency Discounts: Recognized advertising agencies are entitled to a 15% discount on charges for space, color, and position. Discounts are given only if the invoice is paid within 45 days. In the event of nonpayment, the publisher reserves the right to hold the advertiser and the advertiser’s agency jointly and severally liable for such monies as are due and payable. No cash discounts.

Nonprofit Rate: A 15% discount will be given to nonprofit organization, if so specified, on space rate. Where nonprofit discount applies, agency commission will not apply.

Copy, Contract Regulations: Liability for content of ads (text, representation, and illustration) is assumed by advertisers and advertising agencies for any claims arising therefrom against the publisher.

Contract Conditions

It is assumed that advertisers have read this rate card and agree to its conditions without any further contract or notice.

AACC endorses equal employment opportunity practices and accepts only ads that are not discriminatory on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or physical handicap. The acceptability of an ad for publication will be based upon legal, social, professional, and ethical considerations and must be in keeping with the professional policies of the American Association of Community Colleges.

AACC reserves the right to refuse, reject, or cancel any ad for any reason at any time without liability, even though previously acknowledged or accepted. Acceptance of an ad does not imply AACC’s endorsement of the product or service advertised. AACC is not responsible for any claims made in an ad.

All camera ready copy, artwork, photographs, and negatives received will be stored for one year and then destroyed unless otherwise specified by the advertisers. AACC assumes no responsibility for lost or damaged art.

Advertisers and advertising agencies assume responsibility for all contents of advertisements printed and each represents that it is fully authorized and/or licensed to publish the entire contents and subject matter contained in its advertisements including:

  • the names, portraits, and/or pictures of living persons
  • any copyrighted material
  • any testimonials contained in any advertisements submitted to and published by AACC advertiser and agency will also indemnity and save harmless AACC, as publisher, against all loss, liability, damage and expense of any nature arising out of the copying, printing, or publishing of its advertisement including without limitation reasonable attorneys fees resulting from claims or suits for libel violation of rights or privacy, plagiarism, copyright, and trademark infringement

Position specifications stipulated on insertion orders will be treated as a request only and will not be binding on the publication.

Publisher shall not be liable for any costs or damages if for any reason it fails to publish an advertisement. The publisher’s liability for any error will not exceed the cost of the space occupied by the error.

The word Advertisement will be placed with copy that in the publisher’s opinion resembles editorial matter.

Failure to make insertion orders correspond in price or otherwise with the rate schedule is regarded only as clerical error and publication is made and charged for upon the terms of the schedule in force without further notice.

Advertising agency agrees to pay charges for advertising published at its direction. Rates, conditions, editorial calendar, and space units may change without notice.

Media Terms & Conditions

Multiple Publication Discount 

Community College Journal and Community College Daily advertisements can be run in combination to earn frequency discount levels. Call your sales representative for more information.

Postcards and Inserts 

Bind-in reply cards and inserts are accepted. Advertiser must also run a display ad. Advertisers must submit a sample to the publisher 45 days prior to publication to ensure that the card or insert meets specifications. Inserts must be supplied by the advertiser on no less than 60# and no more than 100# text stock, printed and ready for binding. Consult advertising sales representative about charges, availability, production specifications, and quantity.

Rate Accounting 

Terms: 10 days from date of invoice. Frequency Discounts: Frequency discounts are based upon the number of insertions within a 12-month period. Additional space justify lower rates will be deducted from final billing. Short Rates: Advertising will be short rated if, within a 12-month period from the date of the first insertion, advertisers do not use the amount of space upon which their billings have been based. Rebates: Advertising will be rebated if, within a 12-month period from the date of the first insertion, advertisers have used sufficient additional space to warrant a lower rate. Rebate will be taken from the final billing.


A contract (except for covers and preferred and specified positions or incentive plan) may be cancelled on 30 days’ written notice and the rate will be adjusted to reflect the actual number of insertions. No cancellations will be accepted after the closing date. If new copy is not received by the deadline, copy from the previous issues will be repeated. Failure to provide written cancellation by the deadline will result in the advertiser being invoiced for the full cost of the insertion. Orders for special placements cannot be rescinded.

Commissions and Conditions

Agency Discounts: Recognized advertising agencies are entitled to a 15% discount on charges for space, color, and position. Discounts are given only if the invoice is paid within 45 days. In the event of nonpayment, the publisher reserves the right to hold the advertiser and the advertiser’s agency jointly and severally liable for such monies as are due and payable. No cash discounts. Nonprofit Rate: A 15% discount will be given to nonprofit organization, if so specified, on space rate. Where nonprofit discount applies, agency commission will not apply. Copy, Contract Regulations: Liability for content of ads (text, representation, and illustration) is assumed by advertisers and advertising agencies for any claims arising therefrom against the publisher.

Contract Conditions 

It is assumed that advertisers have read this rate card and agree to its conditions without any further contract or notice. 

AACC endorses equal employment opportunity practices and accepts only ads that are not discriminatory on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or physical handicap. The acceptability of an ad for publication will be based upon legal, social, professional, and ethical considerations and must be in keeping with the professional policies of the American Association of Community Colleges. 

AACC reserves the right to refuse, reject, or cancel any ad for any reason at any time without liability, even though previously acknowledged or accepted. Acceptance of an ad does not imply AACC’s endorsement of the product or service advertised. AACC is not responsible for any claims made in an ad. 

All camera ready copy, artwork, photographs, and negatives received will be stored for one year and then destroyed unless otherwise specified by the advertisers. AACC assumes no responsibility for lost or damaged art. 

Advertisers and advertising agencies assume responsibility for all contents of advertisements printed and each represents that it is fully authorized and/or licensed to publish the entire contents and subject matter contained in its advertisements including: 

  • the names, portraits, and/or pictures of living persons 
  • any copyrighted material 
  • any testimonials contained in any advertisements submitted to and published by AACC advertiser and agency will also indemnity and save harmless AACC, as publisher, against all loss, liability, damage and expense of any nature arising out of the copying, printing, or publishing of its advertisement including without limitation reasonable attorneys fees resulting from claims or suits for libel violation of rights or privacy, plagiarism, copyright, and trademark infringement

Position specifications stipulated on insertion orders will be treated as a request only and will not be binding on the publication. 

Publisher shall not be liable for any costs or damages if for any reason it fails to publish an advertisement. The publisher’s liability for any error will not exceed the cost of the space occupied by the error. 

The word Advertisement will be placed with copy that in the publisher’s opinion resembles editorial matter. 

Failure to make insertion orders correspond in price or otherwise with the rate schedule is regarded only as clerical error and publication is made and charged for upon the terms of the schedule in force without further notice. 

Advertising agency agrees to pay charges for advertising published at its direction. 

Rates, conditions, editorial calendar, and space units may change without notice.

Ad Submission Info


  • A high-resolution PDF/X-1a file is required for all ads.
  • Colors must be CMYK. No ICC profiles, RGB, or Pantone colors.
  • Resolution of all photography and scanned illustrations must be at least 300 dpi. Line art should be 600 dpi.
  • Vital copy and images must be at least 1/8” away from trim. Spread ads must have at least 3/8” total gutter.
  • Materials should be submitted without crop marks, but full-page ads should include the required 1/8” bleed.
  • All fonts used must be embedded in the PDF file.
  • Using the bold, italic, or other style keys is not encouraged. Please use the bold or italic version of the font. (For example, instead of making Adobe® Garamond bold with the style key, use the actual font for Adobe® Garamond Bold.)
  • Flatten all layers and set transparency to highest setting.
  • Ads must be suitable to print as-is. Association is not responsible for any errors in content.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Materials that do not meet the stated advertising specifications will be rejected.
  • Necessary alterations are the responsibility of and at the expense of the advertiser. All materials must be submitted in accordance with the published deadlines and meet the criteria stated in the advertising policy.


For instructions on how to upload your A high-resolution PDF/X-1a file, click here.


For digital submission please email [email protected] or you may upload directly into our submission portal.

For questions about your ad or the portal or if you need an invite, please reach out to [email protected].

For instructions on how to upload your file, click here.


[email protected]

The YGS Group
3650 West Market Street
York, PA 17404
Tel: 717.505.9701

Digital Product Cheat Sheet

Digital product run sheets are provided mid-month for the next calendar month.


36Sep. 3-9, 202341Oct. 8-14, 202346Nov. 12-18, 202351Dec. 17-23, 2023
37Sep. 10-16, 202342Oct. 15-21, 202347Nov. 19-25, 202352Dec. 24-30, 2023
38Sep. 17-23, 202343Oct. 22-28, 202348Nov. 26-Dec. 2, 2023*
39Sep. 24-30, 202344Oct. 29-Nov. 4, 2023*49Dec. 3-9, 2023
40Oct. 1-7, 202345Nov. 5-11, 202350Dec. 10-16, 2023


1Dec. 31-Jan. 6, 2024*14Mar. 31-Apr. 6, 2024*27Jun. 30-Jul. 6, 2024*40Sep. 29-Oct. 5, 2024
2Jan. 7-13, 202415Apr. 7-13, 202428Jul. 7-13, 202441Oct. 6-12, 2024
3Jan. 14-20, 202416Apr. 14-20, 202429Jul. 14-20, 202442Oct. 13-19, 2024
4Jan. 21-27, 202417Apr. 21-27, 202430Jul. 21-27, 202443Oct. 20-26, 2024
5Jan. 28-Feb 3, 2024*18Apr. 28-May 4, 2024*31Jul. 28-Aug. 3, 2024*44Oct. 27-Nov. 2, 2024*
6Feb. 4-10, 202419May 5-11, 202432Aug. 4-10, 202445Nov. 3-9, 2024
7Feb. 11-17, 202420May 12-18, 202433Aug. 11-17, 202446Nov. 10-16, 2024
8Feb. 18-24, 202421May 19-25, 202434Aug. 18-24, 202447Nov. 17-23, 2024
9Feb. 25-Mar. 2, 2024*22May 26-Jun. 1, 2024*35Aug. 25-31, 202448Nov. 24-30, 2024
10Mar. 3-9, 202423Jun. 2-8, 202436Sep. 1-7, 202449Dec. 1-7, 2024
11Mar. 10-16, 202424Jun. 9-15, 202437Sep. 8-14, 202450Dec. 8-14, 2024
12Mar. 17-23, 202425Jun. 16-22, 202438Sep. 15-21, 202451Dec. 15-21, 2024
13Mar. 24-30, 202426Jun. 23-29, 202439Sep. 22-28, 202452Dec. 22-28, 2024

*Products for weeks that span 2 months will contain the earlier month’s publish date with an accurate month listed in the product name. For example, an eNewsletter advertisement publishing on Friday, March 1, 2024 will have a 2/1/2024 publish date and a Week 9, February product name.