About AFP

The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) is the premier organization for fundraising and development professionals. With more than 27,000 members in more than 240 chapters worldwide, AFP serves this critical sector by providing industry-leading networking and professional development opportunities, impactful advocacy, and leadership on ethics and industry best practices.

Since its founding, AFP members have generated over $1 trillion and raise over $115 billion annually to support thousands of philanthropic causes and organizations across the globe. That’s equivalent to one-third of all charitable giving in North America and millions more around the world.

Advancing Philanthropy Magazine

A true member benefit, Advancing Philanthropy, the quarterly magazine published by AFP, provides practical information, useful tools and other resources to help members succeed and advance. The magazine helps AFP members succeed and advance the fundraising profession, as well as educates, informs and challenges the entire development community.

Advancing Philanthropy is the idea and strategy magazine for the fundraising profession and a must-read for all fundraisers for three reasons: EDITORIAL INTEGRITY • TIMELINESS • RELEVANCE





of members manage multiple fundraising functions

Professional TITLE
Chief Development Officer48%
Program Manager15%



of members have at least
10 years of fundraising experience

Industries of members
Health Services
Higher Education
International/Emergency relief
Primary/secondary education
Social Services

Editorial Calendar

Dates and themes subject to change

IssueEditorial highlightsAD CloseArt dueApprox. in home
October 2024How are we living out our ethics? With a new Code of Ethics unveiled this year at AFP ICON, in the October issue we do a deeper dive into ethics and how fundraisers are not just signing the code but are living it out in every aspect of their lives. Ethics starts at the top, so this issue will also feature articles on AFP’s and the AFP Foundation’s leadership programs. Aug 19, 2024Aug 26, 2024Oct 4-11, 2024
January 2025January (Fundraising Challenges)
Are we engaging our donors and earning their trust? Does our storytelling truly share our organization’s mission? We know what we want to do to galvanize our fundraising practice, but how do we actually do it? In the January issue, we tackle the fundraising challenges you face every day, offering practical and tactical advice to meet the challenge of implementation.
Nov. 18, 2024Nov. 25, 2024Jan. 13-17, 2025
April 2025April (Community and Belonging)
Community and belonging are necessarily at the heart of everything we do, providing support, building resilience and helping us cope more effectively amid challenging times. The April issue takes a closer look at community and belonging—also the theme of this year’s AFP ICON—with practical examples of how to create community, enhance a sense of belonging and further drive connection, all of which help us build better relationships with donors and with one another.
Feb. 25, 2025Mar. 4, 2025Apr. 16-23, 2025
July 2025July (Fundraising in Times of Uncertainty) 
Over the past year, the fundraising profession has navigated a time of tremendous change and uncertainty, fresh off an election and the ups and downs of a tumultuous economy. How do we learn and grow from tumultuous times, and how can we best persevere? The July issue focuses on fundraising in times of uncertainty, with real stories of perseverance and how to advocate for our profession.
May 6, 2025May 13, 2025Jul. 9-16, 2025
October 2025October (Ethics and Leadership)
Ethics is always top of mind, particularly with our new Code of Ethical Standards rolling out this past year. We take a fresh look at ethics scenarios and how our members respond, providing key learning opportunities for us all. Plus, we highlight the necessary role of leadership in driving new ethical standards and raising the bar for the profession.
Aug. 11, 2025Aug. 18, 2025Oct. 8-14, 2025

Advancing Philanthropy Magazine Rates

Full Page$5,330$5,060$4,540
2/3 Page$4,455$4,240$3,815
1/2 Horizontal/
1/3 Square$2,470$2,380$2,310
1/4 Square$2,195$2,060$1,975
1/6 Vertical$1,820$1,730$1,640
SpreadPlease call for a rate quote


Inside front cover$6,355$5,915$5,605
Inside Back cover$6,115$5,690$5,390
Back Cover$6,595$6,155$5,835


POSITIONQuantityRate with pricingRate without Pricing
Cover Tip 1-sided28,825$7,500$4,500
Cover Tip 2-sided28,825$7,500$4,500
Belly Band 1-sided28,825$9,500$5,500
Belly Band 2-sided28,825$10,000$5,500

Advancing Philanthropy Specs

Full Page8.75″ x 11.25″
2/3 Page4.5″ x 10″
1/2 Island/Horizontal/VerticalIsland: 4.5″ x 7.25″
Horizontal: 7″ x 4.875″
Vertical: 3.375″ x 10″
1/3 square4.5″ x 4.875″
1/4 square3.375″ x 4.875″
1/6 vertical2.125″ x 4.875″
Spread16.75″ x 11.25″


Inside Front CoverFull Page Bleed: 8.75″ x 11.25″
Inside Back CoverFull Page Bleed: 8.75″ x 11.25″
Back CoverFull Page Bleed: 8.75″ x 11.25″


Cover Tip 1-sided4-color, 1-sided 7.75″ x 10.375″
Cover Tip 2-sided4-color, 2-sided 7.75″ x 10.375″
Belly Band 1-sided4-color, 1-sided 18″ x 5″
Belly Band 2-sided4-color, 2-sided 18″ x 5″

Trim Size: 8.25″ x 10.875″

Keep all text inside the margin line. Please export your file with bleed and no crop marks.



AVG MO. Visitors

*(based on data from Oct. 2023-Oct. 2024)


AVG Unique Mo. Visitors

*(based on data from Oct. 2023-Oct. 2024)

Ads on AFPglobal.org help build awareness and drive a direct response! See AFPglobal.org for yourself! Contact us if you are interested in homepage or subpage only advertising opportunities.

locationApprox. Monthly
Page Views
Price Per MonthPurchase Includes
Sponsored Content
(exclusive per month)

See an Example
$2,500Content will be featured on the homepage for at least one week in the “WHAT’S NEW” section. Advertiser to supply the following:
– Article title and copy (500-800 words)
– Author name, title and organization
– (optional) 1-2 supplemental images (JPEG or PNG format)
Sitewide Primary Ad
(exclusive per month)
160,000$1,250Ad appears in the primary/top location on the homepage and across all top-level pages of the site.
Sitewide Ads
(multiple per month)
160,000$1,000Ad appears in the secondary location on the homepage and across all top-level pages of the site.
Subpage Right Side Ad140,000$1,000Ad appears in the middle/right-side location on all active top-level pages except homepage (internal/subpages only).

Each position above requires BOTH a 728 x 90px and 300 x 250px JPEG, PNG or GIF with click through URL.


Filled with informative news and important information, the AFP Daily and AFP Weekly are excellent advertising vehicles for your product or service! Reach AFP’s membership with ads in the Monday–Thursday AFP Daily. Filled with informative news and important information, the AFP Daily and AFP Weekly eNewsletters are excellent advertising vehicles for your product or service.

AFP Daily

Sent Monday through Thursday each week to nearly 18,500 recipients with an average 30.5% open rate.

AFP Weekly

Sent on Fridays each week more than 30,000 recipients with an average of 31.2% open rate. The AFP Weekly round-up goes to both AFP members as well as non-member subscribers.

Exclusive Issue Sponsorship
Includes all placements below for the full week!
300 x 250px
Header Text
1-2 Sentences
Click-Through URL
Appears at the top of the email – the first ad that readers see!
300 x 250px
Click-Through URL
Inline Ad
Appears alongside important and informative content.
300 x 250px
Click-Through URL
Sponsored Content with Logo
Appears alongside important and informative content.
Header text (rec. 35 char. or less)
1-2 Sentences (rec. 350 char. or less)
Click-Through URL (will link to “Read More”)
300 x 250px (or smaller) Logo
Sponsored Content
Appears alongside important and informative content.
Header text (rec. 35 char. or less)
1-2 Sentences (rec. 350 char. or less)
Click-Through URL (will link to “Read More”)

Animated .gif files are supported.

Looking to reach the Canadian membership? Advertise in the Canadian edition of the weekly eNews, sent on Thursday to nearly 2,500 AFP members. All placements above (excluding the exclusive issue sponsorship) are available at a rate of $450/week.


Sponsor an AFP webinar and reach a highly engaged audience! This sponsorship includes acknowledgment in a webinar promotion and by the moderator at the beginning of the webinar. Narrated by the sponsor representative and includes up to 3 slides at end of the webinar. Sponsorship extends for an archival period of 3 months after live webinar event.

Content developmentpre-webinar ExposureRegistration & DeliveryArchivalLead Retrieval
AFP Premium Webinar Branding
AFP staff assistance for scheduling and selection of a topic relevant to partner’s marketing messageAFP-provided webinar topic, content and speaker(s) will be marketed via standard methodsUp to three (3) marketing slides placed at the end of the webinar presentation deck and narrated by sponsor representative or designee

Complimentary registration for partner’s session attendees
3-month on AFPglobal.orgNot included
Build Your Own Webinar
AFP staff assistance for topic selection and content developmentAFP staff assistance in timeline development, platform training and rehearsal time

Marketing of the webinar via the following methods:
• Half page ad in association publication (consider using your ad to promote your webinar ahead of time or promote the recording afterward; click here to review deadlines)
• Partner branding, webinar information and registration link highlighted on the main webinar page
• AFP provides promotion of all webinars via email, banner advertising on AFPglobal.org and social media (Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter).
Partner will deliver relevant content to showcase partner as a thought leader in the profession/sector
Complimentary registration for partner’s session attendees
12-months on AFPglobal.org
Digital file (recording) of the webinar provided to the partner
Opt-out data capture/lead generation from session attendees. List will include attendees’ full name and email address. List will be provided within 2 business days of the webinar.

One time use only. Attendee data cannot be sold or distributed to any other entity nor should it be used for more than 1 outreach by the webinar sponsor.

Retargeting Campaign

Retargeting is a type of digital advertising that enables marketers to create highly targeted ad campaigns that reach their desired audience across the internet. By utilizing retargeting technology on association websites, marketers capture a prequalified audience to turn association members and supporters into customers of their own. 

Provide your campaign budget and your ads will run until contracted impressions are met on AFP’s websites. Submitting all materials as recommended will provide the highest placement rate and allow the system to best optimize your ad campaign for performance. Keep the message simple and the text as large and easy-to-read as possible.


Display Ad$40 CPM
Video$70 CPM


Advertiser to provide the materials as noted for the contracted display ads or video for the Retargeting Campaign:

Required Display Ad Assets:

Display banners for both desktop and mobile in all of these sizes:

  • 300×250
  • 300×600
  • 160×600
  • Click-through URL
  • 320×50
  • 468×60
  • 728×90

Recommended Ad Formats:

  • JPG or PNG (Static Image) 
  • GIF (Animated – Max. 15 seconds of looping) 
  • GIF (Animated – Max. 15 seconds of looping)

Recommended Video Ad Formats:

There is a minimum of 40,000 impressions/month.

Fundraising Consultants and Resources Directory

We are excited to provide our members with a resource to identify product and service providers in our industry.

Listing Types & Specifications

Company NameShort Descriptionlong DescriptionCompany LogoCompany Phone NumberCompany Email addressCompany Mailing/
physical address
SOCIAL MEDIA LINKSCategory selectionsCustom Banner graphicCompany Contact infoPosted Document
Sizes & SpecsUp to 20 characters250 characters or lessVaries
(see below)
150×150 px & 300×150 px JPEG or PNG; no animation(XXX) XXX-XXXX[email protected]Street, City, State & ZipClick here to view the list of categories available for selection1920×390 px JPEG or PNG; no animationFirst & Last Name
Phone Number
Email Address
PDF Document & 3-5 word summary to link
Premium Listing – $850XX1,500 characters
(or less)
XXXXFacebook, LinkedIn & YouTube5
Can purchase additional for $15 each.
Enhanced Listing – $750XX1,500 characters
(or less)
XXXXFacebook & LinkedIn5
Can purchase additional for $18 each.
Basic Listing – $650XX100 characters (or less)XXXXFacebook & LinkedIn3
Can purchase additional for $20 each.

To request updates to an existing directory listing, email [email protected]. Please include the listing company name or URL to the current listing.

Sponsored Content Email Blast – $6,000

This limited-inventory opportunity allows your company to provide a fully-created HTML email to be sent to roughly 20,000+ email opt-in AFP members. Purchase includes one accompanying social media post on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to be published within one-week of your email being distributed.

This exclusive opportunity is available to two (2) advertisers per month with a maximum of three (3) email purchases per company per year.

HTML Materials Requirements for Advertisers

  • Fully designed, ready-to-send email in an HTML file (use a testing service such as litmus to confirm html validation and deliverability of code)
  • Footer must include; Company Name, Full Address, Email Address, Unsubscribe Text, AFP’s Disclaimer (disclaimer to be added by AFP)
  • Subject line for email (40 characters maximum)
  • Pre-Header text for the email (75 characters maximum)

Helpful Hints For Positive Metrics

  • Do not use a whole single image as your email blast
  • Make sure the “Subject Line” is positive and consider promotion of an “offer” in the “Subject Line”

HTML Requirements

  • 650px wide (recommended)
  • Mobile responsiveness
  • Build the HTML file with tables instead of DIV; DIV does not work well with email
  • Do not use a whole single image as your email blast
  • All images and fonts need to be linked to the appropriate files hosted on your servers (no local files)
  • All hyperlinks need to be embedded

Deadlines and Proofing

  • Materials are due at least two weeks prior to email send date
  • All content is subject to review by AFP
  • Necessary alterations are the responsibility of and at the expense of the advertiser
  • Materials that do not meet stated advertising specifications will be rejected
  • Once the advertiser-provided HTML is approved by AFP, a proof from AFP’s email system will be sent for advertiser approval
  • A delay in materials or advertiser approval could jeopardize the send date and result in not running at all; or pushing out several months due to the popularity of this email blast opportunity

Social Media

Make thousands of impressions using the AFP Global social media channels on Facebook, X and LinkedIn!


Facebook followers


X Followers


Linkedin Followers

Rates listed below are per platform per post. Inventory is limited to 1 paid post/platform per week.
Paid social media posts are NOT available the week of AFP ICON and AFP LEAD. Contact your Account Executive for availability.

$700 per Facebook Post

$350 per X Post

$2,000 per LinkedIn Post

$1,000 for Facebook and X post

$2,750 for Facebook, X and LinkedIn post

Facebook News Feed PostRecommended Image Size: 1,200 x 630 pixels
Image Aspect Ratio: 4:03
2,000 characters (longer posts may be truncated on small screens)
X PostRecommended Image Size: 1,200 x 675 pixels (max. file size: 5 MB for photos and 5 MB for animated gifs on mobile and 15 MB on web)
Image Aspect Ratio: 16:09 (most images with standard aspect ratios will not be cropped)
280 characters or less
LinkedIn PostRecommended Image Size: 1,200 x 627 (JPEG or PNG)
Image Aspect Ratio: 1.91:1 (must be more than 200 px wide)
1,300 characters or less (truncated after 210 characters before clicking “See more”)

Don’t miss your opportunity to be a part of the experience!

AFP ICON is the #1 fundraising conference and will bring together an estimated 3,000 attendees in Seattle and provide over 100 education sessions, networking opportunities and the chance to visit the AFP EXCHANGE, where attendees will meet with companies providing goods and services to fundraising professionals.

Contact your Account Executive or [email protected] to discuss sponsorship packages!


of attendees spend 1 or more hours in the EXCHANGE

AFP ICON 2022 attendee survey


of attendees approve , recommend or influence purchases

AFP ICON 2022 attendee survey

Exhibits | $2,450+

Please contact your Account Executive to join us for AFP ICON 2025! Exhibit booth rates increase on September 1, 2024 and again January 1, 2025 – apply today to save!

Sponsorship tiers start at $10,000 and a la carte sponsorship opportunities start at $5,000. Select sponsorships offer exclusivity.
Deadline for sponsor recognition on signage is March 7, 2025.

New for 2025! Turnkey exhibit and 20-minute presentation opportunities available to a limited number of technology companies and intended to promote the newest tools and resources available to ICON attendees.
Tables reserved on a first come, first served basis.

Learning Labs | $2,500

Establish yourself as a thought leader among attendees! 30-minute Learning Labs showcase your products and services with more in-depth information and instruction.
Learning Labs are only available to exhibiting companies.

AFP’s annual leadership and nonprofit management conference, AFP LEAD, returns bigger and better than ever October 16-18, 2025 in Atlanta, GA! Whether you’re an ascending fundraising leader, or you want to brush up on the latest trends in nonprofit leadership, AFP LEAD is a must-attend event to become a better leader in the fundraising sector.


of LEAD attendees recommend, influence or approve purchases.

49% approve purchases. An additional 43% recommend/influence.

Sponsor Tiers

Presenting Sponsor SOLD

Champion Sponsor SOLD

Leadership Sponsor (Limit: 3)

Program Sponsor (Limit: 5)

Supporting Sponsor

Supplemental Promotional Opportunities

*Tiered sponsorship is required in order to purchase

Opening Plenary Session

Closing Plenary Session

Opening Reception

Lunch (both days)

Breakfast (both days)

Conference App

Conference Wi-Fi

Pre- or Post-LEAD Email to Attendees


$5,000 Donation

$2,500-4,999 Donation

$1,500-2,499 Donation

Reach AFP members in Canada!

Utilize the channels below to target your marketing message to the nearly 2,500 members of AFP Global – Canada!



on sponsored content emails



monthly on afpglobal.org/afp-canada



AFP Daily eNewsletter sent to Canadian members on Thursdays

PlacementSpecs & INTENTORYRATE
Sponsored Content Email BlastCLICK HERE TO VIEW SPECS
Limit: 1 email sold per month
afpglobal.org/afp-canada Sitewide Primary AdCLICK HERE TO VIEW SPECS
Limit: 1 per month
AFP Daily (Canadian Version) Exclusive Issue SponsorshipAll placements below, including up to 4 inline ads
Limit: 1 per issue
AFP Daily (Canadian Version) LeaderboardCLICK HERE TO VIEW SPECS
Limit: 1 per issue
AFP Daily (Canadian Version) Inline AdCLICK HERE TO VIEW SPECS
Limit: 4 per issue
AFP Daily (Canadian Version) Sponsored ContentCLICK HERE TO VIEW SPECS
Limit: 1 sponsored content OR text only ad per issue
AFP Daily (Canadian Version) Text OnlyCLICK HERE TO VIEW SPECS
Limit: 1 sponsored content OR text only ad per issue

Animated .gif files are supported.

Digital Ad Deadlines

2025 Digital ad deadlines

Month ad is
running in
Art deadline

2026 Digital ad deadlines

Month ad is
running in
Art deadline

Sponsored Eblast Deadlines

Must provide materials two weeks before your send date.

Ad Submission Requirements

  • Send digital ad materials to: [email protected]
  • When emailing us your materials, please include the client acronym in your subject line.
  • All advertisers are subject to review and publisher’s advertising policies.
  • Necessary alterations are the responsibility of and at the expense of the advertiser. All materials must be submitted in accordance with the published deadlines and meet the criteria stated in the advertising policy.

Contact your AFP account executive for more information

Natalie Matter Bellis

Account Executive
[email protected]

Schedule a Meeting

Marshall Boomer

Account Executive
[email protected]

Schedule a Meeting

Media Terms & Conditions

All advertisements are subject to the approval of the Publisher.

Advertiser indemnifies The YGS Group and the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) against losses or liabilities arising from this advertising. The YGS Group assumes no liability whatsoever, except to the extent of a one-time paid advertisement of the same specification, in the next or similar publication, if any proven or admitted errors or omissions have occurred. Full payment is due net 30 days upon receipt of the invoice. Interest shall be charged at 2% per month compounded to yield 26.82% per year on overdue accounts. A charge of $30.00 will be levied against all returned checks. Revisions to previously submitted ad copy are subject to additional charges. In the event of a contract cancellation, the advertiser/or agency agrees to repay The YGS Group any discounts granted on multiple insertions less any discount applicable for the number of insertions completed in the contract. All cancellations must be received in writing prior to the advertising sales deadline. All premium positions are noncancelable. Prices are net of agency commission. Ads may also appear in an online version of the publication(s). The YGS Group is not responsible for errors if a hard copy proof is not submitted with the electronic file.

AFP ICON 2023 Terms & Conditions

AFP ICON 2023 Conference & Exhibit Show: The AFP ICON 2023 conference and exhibit show (“ICON”) will take place April 16-18, 2023, at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, LA. Exhibitor move-in will take place April 15, 2023 and move-out will take place April 16, 2023, at the conclusion of official exhibit show hours.

Contract for Exhibit Space: The signed exhibit space agreement (“Agreement” or “agreement”) and subsequent notice of assignment constitute a contract between the Association of Fundraising Professionals (“AFP”) and the Exhibiting Organization (“Exhibitor”) for the Exhibitor’s participation at ICON. Any point not specifically covered in the terms of the signed agreement and these Terms and Conditions are subject to the decision of AFP, whose decision shall be final. Exhibitor shall abide by the rules and regulations as set forth in the terms of the signed agreement, these Terms and Conditions, and the ICON exhibitor service kit before, during, and after ICON, and by other reasonable rules considered necessary by AFP and the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center.

Eligibility for Exhibit Space: Prospective Exhibitors whose programs, products, and services support the fundraising profession are eligible to apply. AFP reserves the right to deny participation to any Exhibitors not in good standing with AFP or that do not espouse AFP’s core values, at AFP’s discretion. Further, Exhibitors and their personnel are expected to comply with any rules and policies of AFP regarding conduct, including anti-harassment policies, and their right to participate in ICON may be terminated for violating the same. View the current attendance policies at https://afpicon.com/page/policies

Assignments/Allocations: Based on COVID19 requirements in place at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center at the time of ICON 2023, changes to your booth assignment/placement may be required. Assignments will be made on a first come, first served basis taking into account the date the signed agreement is received, and booth location specifications supplied by the Exhibitor. Selection priority is given to Exhibitors that have exhibited with and sponsored AFP and ICON in previous years. Booth location specifications include proximity to other Exhibitors, and it is the Exhibitor’s responsibility to know its proximity to competing Exhibitors.

Payment and Due Dates: A 50% payment deposit is required with the signed agreement if Exhibitor contracts booth space before October 14, 2022. Payment in full is due by January 30, 2023. If payment in full is not received by January 30, 2023, AFP reserves the right to cancel the Exhibitor’s booth space, retain all fees paid, and lease the booth space to another Exhibitor. After January 30, 2023, all Exhibitor applications must be accompanied by full payment. Should AFP be forced to collect overdue payments from Exhibitor, such fees will be subject to an interest rate of 2.5% per month, in addition to any legal, court, and collections fees incurred by AFP.

Cancellation/Reduction: In the event Exhibitor cancels its participation or wishes to reduce exhibit space, Exhibitor shall promptly notify AFP in writing. If the cancellation or reduction is received by AFP before October 14, 2022, 50% of the full exhibit price or full price for the space relinquished will be retained by AFP. No refund or credit will be granted for cancellations or reductions received after October 14, 2022, and full payment of any unpaid balance is required. Upon cancellation, Exhibitor loses all right to space and AFP reserves the right to reassign space to another Exhibitor. In addition, Exhibitor loses the right to use any complimentary exhibitor registration badges. AFP reserves the right to treat Exhibitor’s downsizing of booth space as a cancellation of the original contract and an offer to purchase new booth space. Exhibitor may be required to move to a new booth location at AFP’s discretion. Exhibitor agrees that it is responsible for the total exhibit space rental for the originally contracted and assigned space.

Exhibit Booth Provisions: AFP will provide the following with each booth, unless otherwise stated in the agreement or any other AFP materials: one-line identification sign listing company name and booth number (if requested); 8-foot high back drape and 3-foot high draped side walls; aisle carpeting in all main and cross aisles; around-the-clock security beginning with setup and concluding after all freight has been removed; and a number of exhibitor registration badges based on total booth space leased by Exhibitor. Standard in-line booths may not exceed a height of 4 feet in the front half of the booth. All islands are restricted to a height of 16 feet, including identification signage. No exhibit is permitted to obstruct the view of adjacent booths. Carpeting is mandatory in all booths. AFP reserves the right to enforce revisions, at Exhibitor’s expense, of any exhibit booth that does not comply with these guidelines.

Operation of Exhibits: Unless prior written permission by AFP or AFP ICON management is obtained, booths must be staffed at all times during scheduled exhibit hours, and exhibitors must confine all activities to the exhibit space. Booths must be designed and operated in a manner that respects the rights of ICON attendees and other exhibitors. This includes the conduct of all booth staff and company employees both within the booth itself, and within the broader convention facility. Exhibitors shall not damage or deface any part of the convention facility. Exhibitor may not tack, tape, nail, screw, or otherwise attach anything to convention center walls, posts, floors, ceilings, furniture, or other property of the convention center. Exhibitors are solely responsible for any and all damages to property caused by themselves or their personnel. Should such damage occur, the Exhibitor is liable to the owner of the damaged property. At no time shall AFP accept responsibility or liability for any such damages.

All set-up and dismantling of exhibit booths and sponsorship programs must be conducted during the appropriate times assigned. No storage of exhibit materials will be permitted between or behind booth draping.

Dollies, carts, and other drayage equipment is not permitted on the exhibit show floor during official exhibit show hours without AFP’s consent. Exhibitors shall not, without the express written consent of AFP, distribute any advertising material, literature, souvenir items, or promotional materials anywhere in the convention center except their own allotted exhibit space.

Exhibitor may distribute food or drinks, including alcoholic drinks, from its exhibit space but only with the express written consent of AFP. Service of food and beverage must be provided by the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center or designated their contractor.

Character of Exhibits: Companies eligible to exhibit at AFP ICON are limited to those directly or tangentially related to fundraising or the broader non-profit industry, or who through financial, in-kind, or partnership-based contributions, support those industries. AFP determines eligibility of any company or product for exhibit. AFP may forbid installation or require removal or discontinuance of any exhibit or promotion, wholly or in part, that in its opinion is not in keeping with the spirit and mission of AFP. Unethical conduct or infractions of rules on the part of Exhibitor or [his/her/their] representative(s) or both will subject the Exhibitor or [his/her/their] representative(s) to dismissal from exhibit areas. If such action is required, it is agreed that no refund shall be made and further that no demand for redress will be made by the Exhibitor or their representative(s).

AFP reserves the right to restrict or remove exhibit booth displays that detract from the general character or appearance of the exhibit show or otherwise become objectionable because of noise, materials, methods of operation, or any other reason at AFP’s sole discretion.

Policy on Selling: Direct selling of products or services (i.e., cash, check and/or credit cards) is strictly prohibited. No soliciting for business shall be permitted in aisles, within the broader convention facility, in other exhibitor’s booths, or anywhere else outside of the exhibitor’s contracted booth space. Violation of this provision will result in immediate expulsion from AFP ICON. Violation of this policy will be determined at AFP’s sole discretion. THIS POLICY IS STRICTLY ENFORCED.

Violations of Regulations: AFP and/or AFP ICON Management may take enforcement action at its discretion up to and including closing an Exhibitor’s booth, for violation by Exhibitor of any of the AFP ICON Booth Terms and Conditions, or breach of the terms of their Booth Application and Contract. AFP reserves the right to close the booth of and expel any exhibiting company which in its opinion, does not comply with the Terms and Conditions, or whose employee’s conduct AFP or AFP ICON management finds objectionable, unethical, detrimental to the character of the event, or to the experience of its attendees.

If AFP and/or AFP ICON Management shuts down Exhibitor’s booth due to Exhibitor violating these Terms and Conditions, Exhibitor will not receive a refund or damage compensation from AFP. Repeated violations may result in Exhibitor being banned from participation in AFP ICON, including future shows.

Exhibit Booth Staffing and Early Closure: Exhibit booths must be open and staffed during all official exhibit show hours unless written approval of any exceptions is provided by AFP.

Subletting Space: No Exhibitor shall assign, sublet, or apportion the whole or any part of its assigned exhibit space, or allow representatives, products, or materials from companies other than its own in the said exhibit space.

Non-Exhibiting Organizations: Organizations and individuals without assigned exhibit space are not permitted to solicit business or engage in sales, marketing, or promotional activity anywhere in the convention center, except as authorized by AFP.

Exhibitor Responsibility and Right to Remove the Exhibitor’s Property: If an Exhibitor fails to comply in any respect with the terms of the agreement or these terms and conditions, AFP reserves the right to revoke the Exhibitor’s assigned exhibit space and offer said space to another Exhibitor, and/or to use said space in any manner at AFP’s sole discretion. AFP reserves the right to remove from the exhibit show any or all property of Exhibitors should ICON be canceled or relocated. These rights may be exercised without prior notice or hearing. Exhibitor may still be liable to pay the full amount specified by the agreement or any contracts between AFP and Exhibitor.

Use of Logo: AFP grants permission to Exhibitors to use only the AFP ICON logo, subject to AFP guidelines (available upon request). Requests for AFP ICON logo use must be submitted in writing to AFP with a sample of the marketing collateral for approval. Neither the AFP logo nor the AFP Foundation logo may be used for any marketing or other purposes.

Intellectual Property: The agreement does not imply a license or right whatsoever concerning the intellectual property of AFP. For the purposes of the agreement, “intellectual property” shall mean: all trademarks and service marks registered and/or used by AFP, as well as any right, invention (patented or not), floor plans, designs, utility models, confidential information, commercial names, commercial signs, copyrights, domains, as well as any other intellectual property right protected by law. Exhibitor commits not to use, commercialize, disclose, distribute, give away, or by any means use any property of AFP, or any exceeding or remaining material of those considered intellectual property of AFP.

Hospitality Functions: Only organizations with contracted exhibit space may use ICON function space for hospitality purposes, at AFP’s discretion. All requests for function space must be directed to AFP for approval. Upon approval of request, all applications must go through the AFP conference department at for assignment. Hospitality functions may not be open during official program hours, which include social activities by AFP, except as approved in writing by AFP. Exhibitors are not permitted to display equipment or products or to conduct product demonstrations in suites or sleeping rooms during ICON unless they have contracted for hospitality function space.

Safety Codes: No one under the age of 18 is permitted to attend ICON events, unless formally invited by AFP (such as award winners, honorees, etc.). Children are not permitted in the exhibit show or any educational sessions in the convention center or hotels where AFP is holding events and are not permitted on AFP shuttle buses.

Exhibitor is responsible for compliance with all union requirements and fire and safety codes established by the convention center. Decorations must be flame proofed and all hangings must clear the floor. Electrical wiring must conform with all federal, state, and municipal government requirements and with the National Electric Code safety rules. If inspection indicates that Exhibitor has neglected to comply with these regulations and codes, AFP reserves the right to cancel or remove at Exhibitor’s expense any or all part of the exhibit as may be irregular or problematic.

Compliance: Exhibitor assumes all responsibility for compliance with all pertinent ordinances, regulations, and codes of duly authorized local, county, state and/ or federal government bodies concerning fire, safety, and health together with the rules and regulations of the operator/owners/managers of the convention center property.

Exhibitor Property: While AFP may endeavor to protect Exhibitor property through contracted security personnel, Exhibitor shall be responsible for protecting its own property to its full value, either through purchased insurance or self-insurance, and AFP will not assume liability for any loss or damage to Exhibitor property. In holding ICON, AFP does not act as agent of the Exhibitor, the facility, the general service contractor, or any other party. Claims against any party other than AFP are to be submitted directly to the party involved.

AFP, the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, AFP and their respective employees, representative, and subcontractors, will not be responsible for any injury, loss, or damage to the Exhibitor, the Exhibitor’s employees or property, however caused. AFP cannot assume responsibility for lost shipments, either arriving or departing the premises, or for moving costs. If exhibit fails to arrive, Exhibitor will remain responsible for booth rent and no refund will be made.

Exhibitor agrees to be responsible for its own property, through insurance or self insurance, and shall hold harmless AFP, the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, and their respective employees and representatives from any damage caused by theft and other perils normally covered by fire and extended coverage of policies. Exhibitor is urged to place supplemental coverage on equipment and exhibits, and arrange for extended public liability insurance with their regular insurance carrier, particularly if they are conducting experiments or demonstrations using heat or high voltage. Exhibitor must submit Certificates of Insurance to AFP Show Management prior to approval of third party contractors at least 45 days before conference start date.

Liability Insurance: Exhibitor shall maintain at all times during ICON, and shall furnish a certificate of insurance to AFP as proof of same, commercial general liability of at least $1,000,000.

Limitation of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranties: AFP is not liable to Exhibitor in any respect for any claims, losses, expenses, injuries, or damages arising out of or related to ICON or Exhibitor’s participation in ICON, whether based on breach of contract or warranty, negligence or other tort, or strict liability, unless directly and solely caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of AFP. AFP disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. AFP shall not be liable to Exhibitor for any indirect, special or consequential damages, including lost profits, whether based upon a claim or action of contract, warranty, negligence, strict liability or other tort, even if AFP is aware of the possibility thereof. Notwithstanding any other provision of this agreement, the maximum liability of AFP to Exhibitor will in no event exceed the amount of fees paid by Exhibitor to AFP. Any claim against AFP by Exhibitor not submitted to AFP within thirty (30) days of the close of the event shall be forever waived, and no suit or action shall be brought against AFP more than one (1) year after the event.

Indemnification: Exhibitor shall indemnify and hold harmless AFP from and against any and all liabilities, damages, actions, losses, claims, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees) on account of personal injury, death, or damage to or loss of property arising out of or contributed to by any act, omission, negligence, fault, or violation of a law or ordinance by Exhibitor, its employees, agents, or contractors. The foregoing shall not apply with respect to any liability, damage, or loss directly and solely caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of AFP.

ADA Accessibility: Exhibitor must comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations pertaining to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Compliance with ADA is mandatory for all Exhibitors within its exhibit space. AFP and service contractors have no responsibility pertaining to the compliance with laws as far as individual Exhibitor’s space, materials, and operation is concerned. The convention center shall be responsible for all ADA accessibility requirements and labor accommodation requirements relating to the exhibit show space and attendant facilities. AFP shall be responsible for readily achievable, nonpermanent ADA accessibility requirements which are applicable to AFP if not otherwise provided by the convention center. Exhibitor agrees that it will comply with any ADA provisions applicable to the Exhibitor’s exhibit space.

Interpretation: AFP reserves the right to interpret, amend, and enforce these terms as it deems proper to ensure the success of ICON. Display of programs, products, and services at ICON does not constitute, nor should it imply, any endorsement by AFP. Exhibitors may not claim or suggest AFP endorsement of their program, products, or services without the express written consent of AFP. Compliance with AFP’s terms and conditions is mandatory for all Exhibitors.

Cancellation or Relocation of ICON: In the event of cancellation or relocation of ICON due to circumstances within AFP’s control, AFP’s liability shall be limited to a refund of monies or fees paid to AFP by the Exhibitor for exhibit booth rental, conference registration, or sponsorship or advertising. In the event (i) of cancellation or relocation of ICON due to circumstances beyond AFP’s control or (ii) Exhibitor is prevented from participating in ICON due to travel or public gathering restrictions imposed by the Federal government or by the State in which ICON is being held, AFP shall apply the monies or fees paid to AFP by Exhibitor for exhibit booth rental, conference registration, or sponsorship or advertising to the following ICON conference and exhibit show or to another AFP event to which the parties mutually agree.

Ad Submission Info


  • A high-resolution PDF/X-1a file is required for all ads.
  • Colors must be CMYK. No ICC profiles, RGB, or Pantone colors.
  • Resolution of all photography and scanned illustrations must be at least 300 dpi. Line art should be 600 dpi.
  • Vital copy and images must be at least 1/8” away from trim. Spread ads must have at least 3/8” total gutter.
  • Materials should be submitted without crop marks, but full-page ads should include the required 1/8” bleed.
  • All fonts used must be embedded in the PDF file.
  • Using the bold, italic, or other style keys is not encouraged. Please use the bold or italic version of the font. (For example, instead of making Adobe® Garamond bold with the style key, use the actual font for Adobe® Garamond Bold.)
  • Flatten all layers and set transparency to highest setting.
  • Ads must be suitable to print as-is. Association is not responsible for any errors in content.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Materials that do not meet the stated advertising specifications will be rejected.
  • Necessary alterations are the responsibility of and at the expense of the advertiser. All materials must be submitted in accordance with the published deadlines and meet the criteria stated in the advertising policy.


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York, PA 17404
Tel: 717.505.9701