National Association of College Auxiliary Services, NACAS is a professional trade association that supports the non-academic segment of higher education responsible for generating business through a diverse array of campus services that students need and value – such as food services, bookstores, housing, and transportation. As the leading organization supporting all campus services, NACAS is the community-of-choice for strategic leaders who advance campus environments to improve the quality of life for students.

  • Members are part of a $39 billion college auxiliary services market.
  • NACAS members include more than 5,000 auxiliary service professionals at nearly 900 colleges and universities in the U.S., Canada, Europe and the Middle East.
  • Our readers include the decision-makers at their institutions including directors, presidents, vice presidents, and managers.

Retail Food Services: 84%

Bookstores: 79%

Vending: 79%

Card Systems: 77%

Conference &
Events: 76%

Retail Stores: 73%

College Services Magazine

College Services is the 2021 MarCom Gold Winner! Showcase your company in this award-winning magazine that delivers powerful relationships that influence, inspire and endure. Don’t miss your chance to reach key decision-makers in this publication for college auxiliary professionals.

Nearly 40%

of surveyed respondents say they visit an advertiser’s website after seeing an ad.

Over Half

of NACAS readers say they are more likely to consider purchasing products/services from companies who advertise in a NACAS publication than from those who don’t.

Editorial Calendar

Winter 2024Oct. 16, 2024Oct. 23, 2024
Spring 2025Feb. 10, 2025Feb. 17, 2025
Summer 2025April 15, 2025April 22, 2025
Fall 2025Aug. 21, 2025Aug. 28, 2025
Winter 2025Oct. 9, 2025Oct. 16, 2025

College Services Magazine Rates

Display Advertising – Full Color

Size1x 2x4x
Full Page$3,130$2,817$2,660
1/2 Page Horizontal or Vertical$1,615$1,453$1,372
1/3 Page Square or Vertical $1,125$1,012$956
1/4 Page$800$720$680
Inside Front Cover$4,000$3,600$3,400
Inside Back Cover$4,000$3,600$3,400
Outside Back Cover$4,300$3,870$3,655
Advertorial $4,695

*Preferred positions are subject to a 15% up-charge

College Services Magazine Specs

PlacementSize (w x H)
Double Page SpreadBleed: 18.25″ x 11.125″
Trim: 18″ x 10.875″
Full PageBleed: 9.25″ x 11.125″
Trim: 9″ x 10.875″
1/2 Page Horizontal8″ x 5″
1/2 Page Vertical3.875″ x 10.125″
1/3 Page Vertical2.5″ x 10.125″
1/3 Page Square5.25″ x 5″
1/4 Page3.875″ x 5″

College Services Digital Edition

College Services is available in a fully interactive digital magazine. Our digital edition is mobile responsive and HTML-optimized, providing readers with an exceptional user experience across all devices.

Leaderboard (all views)

The leaderboard ad appears on-screen in both the reading view and page view of the digital publication.

Rectangle (all views) 

The rectangle ad is on the table of contents, appearing on-screen for all pages of the reading view and page view.

TOC Mobile Banners (HTML reading view)

The TOC mobile banner appears in the table of contents, on-screen to the right of the publication on desktop and clickable on mobile in the reading view. The top TOC mobile banner will appear after the 1st article, and subsequent banners show every 3 articles


In-Magazine Digital Options (HTML reading view)

These standalone ad options are placed between article pages on the HTML reading view of the digital publication and are visible on all device types.


This mobile-responsive ad option gives you the freedom to include text, images, hyperlinks and video across a variety of devices. Full design must be provided by the advertiser at this time.

Digital Video Sponsorship

The video sponsorship option displays a video, 50-70 words of summary content and a hyperlink to deliver your message to 
target audiences.

Digital Insert / Outsert

Your message appears as an image-based insert, either in between key articles, or placed at the back of the digital publication. Options include Large and Medium insert.

College Services Digital Edition


HTML 5$2,950
Large Insert$2,200
Medium Insert$1,900
Eblast Sponsored Banner$1,750
Top TOC Mobile Banner$650
2nd TOC Mobile Banner$500
HTML 5$3,540
Large Insert$2,640
Medium Insert$2,280
Eblast Sponsored Banner$2,100
Top TOC Mobile Banner$780
2nd TOC Mobile Banner$600


Leaderboard728 x 90 px
HTML 5– Variable sizes (up to 1499 wide x 750 pixels deep)
– Creative accepted: HTML file. All referenced assets (images) should be included for offline viewing.
– The HTML5 ad is responsive across all devices and is variable in terms of content provided. It can include text, images, hyperlinks and video, but must be supplied in a zipped HTML format. HTML5 ads can be placed between any article pages on the HTML version of the digital magazine.
Video– Creative accepted: MP4 or embed code from video-hosting sites like YouTube or Vimeo. MP4 video files have a max file size of 100 MB.
Site-hosted embedded videos have no file size restriction.
– 50 to 70 words are allowed for a video summary. In addition, a 7 to 10-word call to action hyperlinked a hyperlink to the webpage or online file of your choice may be included.
– The video sponsorship is placed on its own page and is included as an item in the Table of Contents.
Large Insert– 8.375 x 6.333 inches @ 72 dpi
– Creative accepted: JPG, PNG, GIF (static or animated)
– Digital insert ads can be placed between any article pages in the Reading view, or placed at the back of the digital magazine (as a Digital Outsert).
Medium Insert– 8.375 x 4.583 inches @ 72 dpi
– Creative accepted: JPG, PNG, GIF (static or animated)
– Digital insert ads can be placed between any article pages in the Reading view, or placed at the back of the digital magazine (as a Digital Outsert).
Rectangle300 x 250 px @ 72 dpi
Eblast Sponsored Banner640 x 100 px @ 72 dpi
Top TOC Mobile Banner320 x 50 px @ 72 dpi
2nd TOC Mobile Banner320 x 50 px @ 72 dpi

Go Beyond the Publication

Catch readers’ attention by placing bellyband, false cover or ad insert in an issue of College Services Magazine. Whether you are promoting an event, a new product or your entire product line, placing an ad enhancement with our publication will ensure tremendous exposure for your company.

Available Placements
False Cover
Ad Insert

Contact your account executive for pricing!


Position your company as a thought leader and solution provider in the industry! Draw attention to a recent research study, infographic, white paper or in-depth blog post by publishing in our publication. This is your chance to educate our members regarding the benefits of using your product or service, while also improving the credibility of your company with leaders in the industry.

Advertorials are paid advertising messages that allow you to include a full-color photo and your complete contact information along with text on a subject of interest to publication readers.

Space is limited to one company per issue. Association will have final approval of text in the sponsored content.

Rates are net and per insertion. Reservation is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Member Price$5,160
Non Member Price$6,195
Final Advertorial SpecsFull Page w/bleed: 9.25″ x 11.125″
Headline6 – 10 words
Sub-headline15 words max
Body Copy200 – 300 words
LogoJpeg or tif 300 dpi
Contact InformationAddress/Phone/Fax/Email/Website
Ad UnitHalf Page 8″ x 5″
FormatSubmit as fully designed PDF

College Services Monthly Newsletter

Our monthly eNewsletter puts our members in touch with current events, professional development opportunities, member news, commentaries, and short articles of interest to college auxiliary services professionals.





Newsletter Banner$600$6,480468 x 60 Pixels
Sponsored Content$750$8,100180 x 50 Image
250 Characters of Text
Newsletter Banner$720$7,775468 x 60 Pixels
Sponsored Content$900$9,720180 x 50 Image
250 Characters of Text

College Services Newswire

NACAS’s College Services Newswire is sent to members every other week and allows them to stay informed about timely industry topics, trends in education, and current news.





Placementmember Rates PER MONTHMEMBER Rates PER YEARSpecs
Newsletter Banner$800$8,640468 x 60 Pixels
Sponsored Content$950$10,260180 x 50 Image
250 Characters of Text
Placementnonmember Rates PER MONTHnonmember Rates PER yearSpecs
Newsletter Banner$960$10,370468 x 60 Pixels
Sponsored Content$1,140$12,315180 x 50 Image
250 Characters of Text


NACAS’ website is the must-view location for the association’s members. The site keeps members up to date on all association activities, resources, news, and information. 

Website Placement

PlacementSpecs*member Rate
Homepage Hero Banner1920 x 1080 Single Image (16:9 aspect ratio) – Headline, body copy and URL should not be embedded in the image. Please stay away from putting anything substantial (text/images) on the left side of image, as that’s where the text box goes.

Headline text: Max 28 characters with spaces

Body copy: Max 100 characters with spaces

Button text: Max 18 characters with spaces

PlacementSpecs*nonmember Rate
Homepage Hero Banner1920 x 1080 Single Image (16:9 aspect ratio) – Headline, body copy and URL should not be embedded in the image. Please stay away from putting anything substantial (text/images) on the left side of image, as that’s where the text box goes.

Headline text: Max 28 characters with spaces

Body copy: Max 100 characters with spaces

Button text: Max 18 characters with spaces

* Headline, body copy and URL should not be embedded in the image.

Sponsored HTML Eblast

Let NACAS send an email blast to 4,500 members as sponsored content. Showcase your products and services in a customized format. 

Member Rate: $2,500

Nonmember Rate: $3,000

Material Requirements for Advertisers

  • Fully designed, ready-to-send email in an HTML file 
  • Email platforms can display your content differently, so it is recommended to use a testing service to confirm html validation and deliverability of code.
  • Subject line for email (40 characters, recommended; 78 maximum)
  • Pre-Header text for the email (75 characters maximum)

HTML Specifications

  • 650 px wide (recommended)
  • Footer to include Company Name, Valid Postal Address, Email Address
  • Mobile responsive
  • Build the HTML file with tables instead of DIV
  • All images and fonts need to be linked to the appropriate files hosted on your servers (no local files)
  • All hyperlinks need to be embedded
  • Avoid a single image as the eblast.

Deadlines and Proofing

  • Materials are due on Monday, two weeks before the scheduled send date. A delay in materials or advertiser approval could jeopardize the send date.
  • All content is subject to review by NACAS.
  • Materials that do not meet stated advertising specifications will be rejected.
  • Necessary alterations are the responsibility of and at the expense of the advertiser.
  • A proof from the email system will be sent for advertiser approval. 

Webinar Sponsorship

NACAS offers live and on-demand webinars to provide interactive and media-rich presentations on current and hot topics in the college auxiliary market. Sponsoring a webinar is a great venue to provide educational content about and relevant information about the industry to NACAS members. 

Member Rate: $5,000

Nonmember Rate: $6,000


  • Up to three promotional e-blasts with your company name, logo, and a link to your company website announcing the webinar 
  • Link directed to your company’s website from webinar event page 
  • Webinar title slide with your logo and slide with company info before the webinar begins 
  • Verbal recognition at beginning and end of webinar 
  • Webinars are recorded and archived on NACAS’s website; sponsor may link to archive for their website


  • One sponsor per event
  • NACAS will host the webinar
  • The topic, speaker(s) and content must be timely, relevant and mutually agreed upon with NACAS
  • The webinar will be no more than 60 minutes
  • Attendees must pre-register in order to participate in the webinar
  • The presentation must be non-commercial 
  • The date and time will be provided by NACAS and agreed upon by the sponsor
  • Both NACAS and sponsor will market the event 
  • NACAS will provide list of attendees to the sponsor

Social Media Posts

Reach thousands of NACAS’ LinkedIn followers with the advertising opportunities outlined below.

2,200+ LinkedIn followers*

Rate: $500

PlacementFeed Image Dimensions and GuidelinesFeed Ad Character Limits
LinkedIn• Size Limit: 5 MB
• Recommended specs:1,200 x 627 pixels
• Image ratio: 3:1 to 2:3
• Recommended formats: JPG, GIF, and PNG
• Text: 100 characters (with spaces) recommended; 140 max
• Call to action with URL

Industry Leader Packages*

Align yourself with the mission of NACAS by becoming an Industry Leader for 2024 – 2025! With premium exposure opportunities both print/digital communication channels, there is no better way to reach NACAS members.



13% Discount

  • 1 Full Page Ad Conference issue CSM
  • Banner 3 Months CS Newswire
  • Retargeting 180k impressions
  • 2 Webinars
  • 2 HTML Eblasts
  • 3 LinkedIn timeline post



11% Discount

  • 1 Full Page Ad Conference issue CSM
  • Banner 3 months CS Newswire
  • Retargeting 100k impressions
  • 2 Webinars
  • 1 HTML Eblasts
  • 2 LinkedIn timeline post



7% Discount

  • 1 Half Page ad, conference issue CSM
  • Banner 3 months CS Newswire
  • Retargeting 100k impressions
  • 1 HTML Email
  • 1 Webinar
  • 2 LinkedIn timeline post



4% Discount

  • Digital Edition Rectangle Fall issue CSM
  • 50k Retargeting impressions
  • Banner 2 Months CS Newswire
  • 1 Webinar

*Packages are a member only offering.

Retargeting Campaign

Retargeting is a type of digital advertising that enables marketers to create highly targeted ad campaigns that reach their desired audience across the internet. By utilizing retargeting technology on association websites, marketers capture a prequalified audience to turn association members and supporters into customers of their own. 

Provide your campaign budget and your ads will run until contracted impressions are met on NACAS’s websites. Submitting all materials as recommended will provide the highest placement rate and allow the system to best optimize your ad campaign for performance. Keep the message simple and the text as large and easy-to-read as possible.


Member RateNonmember RateDurationImpressions
Basic$2,000$2,4003 months50,000
Standard$3,500$4,2003 months100,000
Premium$6,000$7,2004 months200,000


Advertiser to provide the materials as noted for the contracted display ads or video for the Retargeting Campaign:

Required Display Ad Assets:

Display banners for both desktop and mobile in all of these sizes:

  • 300×250
  • 300×600
  • 160×600
  • 320×50
  • 300×50
  • 728×90
  • Click-through URL

Recommended Ad Formats:

  • JPG or PNG (Static Image) 
  • GIF (Animated – Max. 15 seconds of looping) 

Digital Ad Deadlines

2025 Digital ad deadlines

Month ad is
running in
Art deadline

Sponsored Eblast Deadlines

Must provide materials two weeks before your send date.

Ad Submission Requirements

  • Send digital ad materials to: [email protected]
  • When emailing us your materials, please include the client acronym in your subject line.
  • All advertisers are subject to review and publisher’s advertising policies.
  • Necessary alterations are the responsibility of and at the expense of the advertiser. All materials must be submitted in accordance with the published deadlines and meet the criteria stated in the advertising policy.

Ad Submission Info


  • A high-resolution PDF/X-1a file is required for all ads.
  • Colors must be CMYK. No ICC profiles, RGB, or Pantone colors.
  • Resolution of all photography and scanned illustrations must be at least 300 dpi. Line art should be 600 dpi.
  • Vital copy and images must be at least 1/8” away from trim. Spread ads must have at least 3/8” total gutter.
  • Materials should be submitted without crop marks, but full-page ads should include the required 1/8” bleed.
  • All fonts used must be embedded in the PDF file.
  • Using the bold, italic, or other style keys is not encouraged. Please use the bold or italic version of the font. (For example, instead of making Adobe® Garamond bold with the style key, use the actual font for Adobe® Garamond Bold.)
  • Flatten all layers and set transparency to highest setting.
  • Ads must be suitable to print as-is. Association is not responsible for any errors in content.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Materials that do not meet the stated advertising specifications will be rejected.
  • Necessary alterations are the responsibility of and at the expense of the advertiser. All materials must be submitted in accordance with the published deadlines and meet the criteria stated in the advertising policy.


For instructions on how to upload your A high-resolution PDF/X-1a file, click here.


For digital submission please email [email protected] or you may upload directly into our submission portal.

For questions about your ad or the portal or if you need an invite, please reach out to [email protected].

For instructions on how to upload your file, click here.


[email protected]

The YGS Group
3650 West Market Street
York, PA 17404
Tel: 717.505.9701

Contact your NACAS account executive today!

Laura Gaenzle

Account Executive
[email protected]

Schedule a Meeting