About NSA

Chartered in 1940, the National Sheriffs’ Association is a professional association dedicated to serving the Office of Sheriff and its affiliates through education, training, and information resources.

NSA represents thousands of Sheriffs, deputies and other law enforcement, public safety professionals, and concerned citizens nationwide.

NSA’s many programs and services include:

  • The Nationally Acclaimed Neighborhood Watch Program
  • Triad
  • Certification Programs in Jail Operations, Court Security, and Homeland Security
  • Training in Jail Operations Court Security, and Homeland Security

Sheriff & Deputy Magazine

Sheriff & Deputy, the NSA’s flagship publication, is the only national magazine entirely dedicated to the Office of Sheriff. Your advertisement in Sheriff & Deputy magazine will reach Sheriffs, their deputies, investigators, and administrative directors; correctional facility administrators; court security professionals; police chiefs; U.S. legislators; and other decision-makers.

Professional title
Sheriff 64%
Deputy 21%
Chief Deputy 8%
Captain 7%
Chief of Police 1%
Years in Industry
Less than 10 10%
11-20 18%
21-35 51%
More than 35 21%




Take Action

of readers reported taking one or more actions during the past year as a result of advertisements in Sheriff & Deputy.


Buying power

of readers specify, recommend, buy, approve or authorize the purchase of products or services.

45 +

MInutes Readers spend with each issue


of members read the print magazine

Editorial Calendar


IssueTHEmeBonus distributionaD closeart due
Jan/FebRural SheriffsWinter Conference Nov. 11, 2024Nov 26, 2024
Mar/AprCommunity PolicingJan 10, 2025Jan 24, 2025
May/JuneConference PreviewAnnual Conference Mar 3, 2025Mar 21, 2025
July/AugNext-Gen Law EnforcementMay 15, 2025May 20, 2025
Sept/OctConference Wrap-upJuly 22, 2025August 6, 2025
Nov/DecJailsAug 26, 2025Sept 9, 2025

Sheriff & Deputy Magazine Rates

Two-Page Spread$6,300
Cover 4$5,400$5,280$5,040
Cover 2 or Cover 3$5,175$5,060$4,835
Full Page$4,500$4,400$4,205
1/2 Page$3,560$3,490$3,350
1/3 Page$3,200$3,140$3,015
Enhanced Listing for Buyers’ Guide Issue$750

Cover Premiums*

Cover 2: Space rate + add 15%
Cover 3: Space rate + add 10%
Cover 4: Space rate + add 20%
Covers sold only on non-cancelable contract

Sheriff & Deputy Magazine Specs


Full Page with Bleed8.5″11.125″
Two-Page Spread with Bleed16.75″11.125″
1/2 Vertical4.2745″9.125″
1/2 Horizontal6.875″5″
1/3 Square4.5″4.5″
1/4 Vertical3.375″4.75″

Trim: 8.25” x 10.875”
Live area: .25” away from trim

Please export your file with bleed and no crop marks.

Exclusive Sheriff & Deputy
Digital Edition Sponsor

  • Exclusive banner ad in the digital edition announcement e-mail blast and a full-page intro page to the entire digital edition
  • Sent to 7,000 key industry decision makers
  • E-mail Ad Size: 600 x 185
  • Digital Edition Ad File: PDF
  • Digital Edition Intro Page Size: 8.25” x 10.875” (Same size as full page in Sheriff & Deputy magazine)

Rates: $3,500/Issue

The Annual Sheriffs’ Directory

With a shelf life of one year, NSA’s comprehensive directory is one of the most cost-effective advertising vehicles you will ever choose!

To get the same exposure as an ad in the NSA Annual Sheriffs’ Directory, you would need to spend a year in a Sheriff’s office! Published in early spring, the Directory reaches more than 3,500 sheriffs, deputies, jail administrators, and other law enforcement personnel.

The directory includes contact information for every Sheriff in the United States, the state sheriffs’ associations, and NSA staff.

Listings are arranged alphabetically by state and county as well as by Sheriff’s name.

This useful reference includes:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • E-mail

The Directory is updated annually following state elections.

Ad Close: April 26, 2025
Art Due: May 3, 2025

Directory Rates

page sizerate
Cover 2$3,115
Cover 3$3,115
Cover 4$3,400
Two-Page Spread$3,400
Full Page$1,990
1/2 Page$1,250
1/4 Vertical$850

NSA Annual Sheriffs’ Directory – 2024 Electronic File

$1,000 for members | $1,250 for nonmembers

The NSA Annual Sheriffs’ Directory is released each year in April. It reflects the results of the elections and is updated with current information on all the newly elected Sheriffs, has an alphabetical listing of all U.S. Sheriffs by name, state Sheriffs’ association information, a full listing of all NSA committees, and a full list of NSA headquarters staff. Format is Excel and PDF and will be sent via email upon completion of order. This file can be used for a one time digital outreach and one time direct mail outreach only.

NOTE: Every attempt was made to include accurate, updated information in the directory. However, some names and titles, addresses, phone numbers, and emails may have changed during directory production. The NSA is not responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions. If you do see an error, please contact [email protected].

The Annual Directory Specs


Full Page with Bleed8.5″11.125″
Two-Page Spread with Bleed16.75″11.125″
1/2 Vertical4.2745″9.125″
1/2 Horizontal6.875″5″
1/3 Square4.5″4.5″
1/4 Vertical3.375″4.75″

Trim: 8.25” x 10.875”
Live area: .25” away from trim

Please export your file with bleed and no crop marks.

Direct Mailer to NSA Member List

With many in person events on hold, NSA would like to give you the option to reach out directly to NSA members. Purchase a direct mail campaign and have your collateral materials arrive to every office across the country. This is a great way to have personal outreach and be noticed in the New Year. YGS can print items if needed. There is a 1,000 contacts minimum outreach for purchase. Mail list can be customized as needed.

  • Advertiser designs and send YGS print ready artwork or provides collateral to include in mailing.
  • YGS sends to NSA for approval

Contact Natalie for Pricing and Availability.


Reach key decision-makers and law enforcement executives.

Your ad will be placed on our home page and on the main pages for each section of our website and will rotate with other advertisements. Rates can be negotiated to get more frequent rotation.

Increase your brand awareness and your sales to our audience.



total VIEWS


active users


Homepage views

placementspecscost per month
Banner240 x 120 pixels with URL$1,250
Premium Homepage
Text Ad
• 35 words including a headline
• Click-through URL
• Image (optional)= 3600×1558 px Please stay away from putting anything substantial (text/images) on the left side of image, as that’s where the text box goes. Please also place any additional graphics (i.e. logos) closer to the middle of your image.

Files Size: 20K maximum
Image File Format: JPG, GIF, or animated GIF (no flash files will be accepted)

NSA All-Points Bulletin eNewsletter



Approx. 6.5k



Open rate

Rates and Specs

PlacementSpecsCost per MonthCost Per year
Content Ad• 50 words with URL
• Logo
Display Ad• 600 x 110 with URL$1,600$15,000
Video SponsorshipProvide ad destination link. (YouTube link is preferred)
Image to show as initial thumbnail – 650 x 366 pixels
An alternative text description for the image, to be used in the text-only version of the email.

Sponsored eNewsletter



Approx. 5k



Open rate

Sponsoring company provides HTML coded eNewsletter content to be distributed to NSA’s member-based mailing list.

Frequency: Only 1 available per week
Cost: $2,500/per Eblast

Material Requirements for the Sponsored eNewsletter:

  • Advertiser needs to provide a fully designed, ready-to-send HTML email in a txt file (use a testing service such as litmus to confirm html validation and deliverability of code)
  • All images and fonts need to be linked to the appropriate files hosted on the advertiser’s server (no local files)
  • All hyperlinks need to be embedded
  • 650 px wide (recommended)
  • Footer to include Company Name, Valid Postal Address, Email Address
  • Avoid a single image as the eblast
  • Text file of the email
  • Subject line for email (40 characters recommended; 78 maximum)
  • Pre-Header text for the email (75 characters maximum)

Deadlines & Proofing:

  • Materials are due on Monday, two weeks before the scheduled distribution date.
  • Materials that do not meet stated advertising specifications will be rejected.
  • All content is subject to review and approval by NSA.
  • Necessary alterations are the responsibility and at the expense of the advertiser.
  • A proof from the email system will be sent to the advertiser for approval.
  • Any delay in the submission of materials or approvals by the advertiser may impact the distribution date.

Lunch and Learn Sponsorship

Sign up today to host a Lunch and Learn pre-recorded webinar!

This product provides great opportunities to reach an audience of 7,000+ NSA members and industry professional through a 30 – 60 minute educational video and advertorial sent directly to their inbox. Promoted on NSA’s social media reach an additional 128,000+ Facebook and 38,000+ Twitter followers each month.

Sponsorship includes:

Promotion of sponsorship in NSA enewsletters

Promotion of sponsorship on NSA social media

Exclusive Sponsorship of Lunch and Learn eblast with educational video and advertorial included

List of opens provided to sponsor after the send that includes names and companies.

Video archived on NSA’s YouTube Channel

Cost: $3,000

Material Requirements for the Sponsored eNewsletter:

Complete this form by the deadline and let us handle the rest!

*limit one per month

Social Media

Reach more than 38,000 Twitter, 128,000 Facebook and 26,157 LinkedIn followers.*

$3,000 for one post on each social media channel.

Sponsoring company provides imagery, text, and link when applicable.

*Posts are not boosted or promoted with additional funds from NSA.

Rates and Specs

Placement Feed and image dimensions and guidelinesFeed ad Character Limits
Facebook• Recommended specs: 1,200 x 900 pixels.
• News Feed image ratio: 4:3.
• Recommended formats: JPG and PNG
• Text: 50-75 words per post
• Call to action with URL
X (formerly Twitter)• Recommended specs: 1,200 x 675 pixels
• Maximum file size: 5 MB for photos and 3 MB for animated GIFs.
• Text: 100 characters (with spaces) recommended; 280 characters max
• Call to action with URL
LinkedIn• Size Limit: 5 MB
• Specs: at least 552 (width) x 276 (height) px
• Image ratio: 3:1 to 2:3
• Text: 100 characters (with spaces) recommended; 140 max
• Call to action with URL

Retargeting Campaign

Retargeting is a type of digital advertising that enables marketers to create highly targeted ad campaigns that reach their desired audience across the internet. By utilizing retargeting technology on association websites, marketers capture a prequalified audience to turn association members and supporters into customers of their own. 

Provide your campaign budget and your ads will run until contracted impressions are met on NSA’s websites. Submitting all materials as recommended will provide the highest placement rate and allow the system to best optimize your ad campaign for performance. Keep the message simple and the text as large and easy-to-read as possible.


Advertiser to provide the materials as noted for the contracted display ads or video for the Retargeting Campaign:

Required Display Ad Assets:

Display banners for both desktop and mobile in all of these sizes:

  • 300×250
  • 300×600
  • 160×600
  • Click-through URL
  • 320×50
  • 300×50
  • 728×90

Recommended Ad Formats:

  • JPG or PNG (Static Image) 
  • GIF (Animated – Max. 15 seconds of looping) 

There is a minimum of 40,000 impressions/month.

NSA Conference Eblast

Be front and center of the Winter and Annual conference email updates that NSA sends weekly to their members leading up to the conferences.

Advertising opportunities are available for both the 2024 Winter and 2024 Annual Conference. Only one advertiser per email blast.

Frequency: Weekly (up to 12 weeks before the conference)

Average Send: 7,500 recipients

Rates and Specs

Placementspecsrate per eblast
Display Ad• 600 x 110 px with URL$1,600
Content Ad• 50 words with URL
• Business logo

NSA Corporate Partnerships

As a valued NSA Corporate Partner, we are looking for ways that you can expand your company’s exposure to NSA members. The offerings below extend your reach into both NSA print and digital media products. Please note that this offer is only good for remaining advertising opportunities in 2024.

Sheriff & Deputy Magazine3 Full Page Ads1 Full Page Ad1 Full Page Ad
Social Media Posts (Either Facebook or Twitter)311
Banner Ad on Sheriffs.org211
Display Ads on All-Points Bulletin eNewsletter21
Custom Content Sponsored eNewsletter111
Total CostValue: $13,100
Corporate Partner
Rate: $12,100
Value: $6,500
Corporate Partner:
Rate: $5,100
Value: $5,500
Corporate Partner
Rate: $4,300

Digital Ad Deadlines

2025 Digital ad deadlines

Month ad is
running in
Art deadline

Sponsored Eblast Deadlines

Must provide materials two weeks before your send date.

Ad Submission Requirements

  • Send digital ad materials to: [email protected]
  • When emailing us your materials, please include the client acronym in your subject line.
  • All advertisers are subject to review and publisher’s advertising policies.
  • Necessary alterations are the responsibility of and at the expense of the advertiser. All materials must be submitted in accordance with the published deadlines and meet the criteria stated in the advertising policy.

Thank You for Your Feedback!

We hope you will consider advertising with us in the future.

Please contact Natalie if you have any questions or would like to be placed back onto our email marketing list!

Thank You for Your Feedback!

We look forward to working with you!

Enjoy $900 off a full page print ad in Sheriff & Deputy magazine to get you started.

Deadline to retrieve your offer is August 2, 2024.

Contact your NSA account
executive for more information

Natalie Matter Bellis

Account Executive
[email protected]

Schedule a Meeting

Terms & Conditions

All advertisements are subject to the approval of the Publisher.

Advertiser indemnifies The YGS Group and The National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA) against losses or liabilities arising from this advertising. The YGS Group assumes no liability whatsoever, except to the extent of a one-time paid advertisement of the same specification, in the next or similar publication, if any proven or admitted errors or omissions have occurred. Full payment is due net 30-days upon receipt of the invoice. Interest shall be charged at 2% per month compounded to yield 26.82% per year on overdue accounts. A charge of $30.00 will be levied against all returned checks. Revisions to previously submitted ad copy are subject to additional charges. In the event of a contract cancellation, the advertiser/or agency agrees to repay The YGS Group any discounts granted on multiple insertions less any discount applicable for the number of insertions completed in the contract. All cancellations must be received in writing prior to the advertising sales deadline. All premium positions are noncancellable. Prices are net of agency commission. Ads may also appear in an online version of the publication(s). The YGS Group is not responsible for errors if a hard copy proof is not submitted with the electronic file. Sponsorships are noncancellable.

Ad Submission Info


  • A high-resolution PDF/X-1a file is required for all ads.
  • Colors must be CMYK. No ICC profiles, RGB, or Pantone colors.
  • Resolution of all photography and scanned illustrations must be at least 300 dpi. Line art should be 600 dpi.
  • Vital copy and images must be at least 1/8” away from trim. Spread ads must have at least 3/8” total gutter.
  • Materials should be submitted without crop marks, but full-page ads should include the required 1/8” bleed.
  • All fonts used must be embedded in the PDF file.
  • Using the bold, italic, or other style keys is not encouraged. Please use the bold or italic version of the font. (For example, instead of making Adobe® Garamond bold with the style key, use the actual font for Adobe® Garamond Bold.)
  • Flatten all layers and set transparency to highest setting.
  • Ads must be suitable to print as-is. Association is not responsible for any errors in content.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Materials that do not meet the stated advertising specifications will be rejected.
  • Necessary alterations are the responsibility of and at the expense of the advertiser. All materials must be submitted in accordance with the published deadlines and meet the criteria stated in the advertising policy.


For instructions on how to upload your A high-resolution PDF/X-1a file, click here.


For digital submission please email [email protected] or you may upload directly into our submission portal.

For questions about your ad or the portal or if you need an invite, please reach out to [email protected].

For instructions on how to upload your file, click here.


[email protected]

The YGS Group
3650 West Market Street
York, PA 17404
Tel: 717.505.9701