About APTA

The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) is a nonprofit international association representing more than 400 public and 1,100 private sector member organizations. Benefits to our members include advocacy for federal funding and policies, research, technical expertise and consulting services, workforce development programs, educational conferences and seminars, and 135 subject-matter working committees.

APTA is the only association in North America that represents all modes of public transportation, including bus, paratransit, light rail, commuter rail, subways, waterborne services, and intercity and high-speed passenger rail. More than 90 percent of the people using public transportation in the United States and Canada ride APTA member systems.

Our membership is engaged in every aspect of the industry – from planning, designing, financing, constructing and operating transit systems to the research, development, manufacturing and maintenance of vehicles, equipment and transit-related products and services. Additionally, academic institutions, transportation network companies, transit associations and state departments of transportation are APTA members.

Passenger Transport

Passenger Transport, the flagship publication of the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), is the leading publication for public transportation industry news and analysis. With more than 80 years of reporting on the public transportation industry, Passenger Transport is the publication that industry executives, policy makers, elected officials, department heads, managers, and employees depend on.

  • Passenger Transport: APTA’s News Center is a continuously updated platform that provides timely news and information about the issues, trends, and events that affect public transportation.
  • Readers and subscribers receive weekly updates, reminders, and links to APTA’s News Center direct to their inbox through the Passenger Transport Express email.
  • Printed four times each year, Passenger Transport Magazine is distributed to tens of thousands of attendees at APTA’s major industry conferences—with its e-companion delivered directly to more than 30,000 subscribers.

You cannot find a better marketing partner.

A superior editorial platform, an influential readership, and cost-effective pricing combine to make Passenger Transport advertising opportunities far and away the best marketing avenue to reach public transportation industry buyers.






review services

Nearly 85%

of Passenger Transport readers consider it a must-read.

2025 Editorial Calendar

Passenger Transport Magazine is distributed to tens of thousands of attendees at APTA’s major industry conferences—with its e-companion delivered directly to more than 30,000 subscribers.

Newly released event in 2025: APTAtech, August 3-6, 2025 Miami, FL

Ad materials for these sections have an earlier deadline than display ads. Art is due one week before the art due deadline for standard ads for the issue.

IssueBonus Distribution and Special SectionsAd CLoseArt due
April 7, 2025PRINT ISSUE with BONUS DISTRIBUTION – Mobility ConferenceMar. 20, 2025Mar. 26, 2025
May 19, 2025PRINT ISSUE with BONUS DISTRIBUTION – Legislative ConferenceMay. 1, 2025May. 7, 2025
June 30, 2025PRINT ISSUE with BONUS DISTRIBUTION – Rail ConferenceJune. 12, 2025June. 18, 2025
September 15, 2025PRINT ISSUE with BONUS DISTRIBUTION – TRANSform ConferenceAug. 28, 2025Sept. 3, 2025

Deadlines are subject to change

Passenger Transport Rates

2 Page Spread$5,200$4,950$4,800
Full Page$3,375$3,155$3,025
1/2 Page$2,280$2,160$2,090
1/3 Page$1,825$1,760$1,705
1/4 Page$1,665$1,605$1,570
  • Trim size: 10.625″ x 14″
    Non-APTA members add 25% to rates listed above.
    All rates are considered net.
  • Black & White  – 15% off 4/C rates

Ad Enhancements

Sticky Notes

Catch readers’ attention with a sticky note directly on their Passenger Transport cover! Highlight an upcoming service, your website, or an offer to contact you for expertise.

Belly Bands  

Be the premier focus of readers by wrapping your message around the front cover of the magazine.

Ad Insert

Your ad will reach readers first as it is printed on a heavier stock than the other pages. Get creative! We can help you customize an insert to fit your needs. Inserts must be provided by the advertiser. Charges may vary depending on edition. Please call for rates, quantity, and availability of a particular issue.

Advertising Policies


The acceptance of paid advertisements within Passenger Transport does not constitute an endorsement of such products or services by APTA. Passenger Transport reserves the right to reject any advertisement considered unsuitable for or not in the best interests of APTA. Paid advertising in Passenger Transport will be within the generally accepted bounds of taste and quality appropriate to a national publication of public transit news and policy. Passenger Transport reserves the right to reject advertising that promotes public transit trade shows, conferences, or webinars that are national or international in scope.


Agency commission – 15% of gross billing allowed to recognized agencies on space and color. No cash discount.


Payment due within 30 days of invoice date. Accounts may be subject to a late payment charge on any balance 30 days after billing date.

Passenger Transport Specs

PositionSize w x h
2 Page Spread21.5″ x 14.25″ 
Full Page9.25″ x 12.75″ trim
10.875″ x 14.25″ bleed
1/2 Page vertical4.5″ x 12.75″
1/2 Page Horizontal9.25″ x 5.75″
1/3 Page Vertical4.5″ x 7.75″
1/3 Page Horizontal7.375″ x 4.5″
1/4 Page4.5″ x 5.75″
  • Trim size: 10.625″ x 14″
  • Bleeds: Allow additional 1/8″ for trim. 

Passenger Transport Digital Edition Ad Enhancements

Each digital edition of Passenger Transport includes all content and advertising found in the print version, but links your ad directly to your company’s website. All advertisers are automatically included in the digital version, but now you can extend your reach beyond the print circulation with one of the many highly visible digital enhancements!

Skyscraper (left or right)$700/each120 x 600px
Top Banner$700/each728 x 90px
Belly Band$500/each8.569″ x 5.25″
PDF required
Video add-on$500/eachMP4 format | Embedded videos should be minimum 500 px wide
Streaming YouTube and Vimeo acceptable with link provided and privacy settings allowing for embedding

All ad placements include clickthrough URL.

Hot Companies

How does Hot Companies work? It’s easy!

Purchase a Hot Companies ad and we will put together a visually striking layout that presents your company and the assets you provide.

Sponsors Receive:

  • Piece included in ONE print issue and its companion digital edition.
  • Digital version of the piece archived under the sponsored content section of Passenger Transport: APTA’s News Center.
  • Appears on the Passenger Transport: APTA’s News Center homepage for a one-week period during the calendar year.
  • Promoted in the weekly Passenger Transport Express e-newsletter.

Price: $3,000 

Deliverables include:

  • Image: 9.2″ width x 5.7″ height
  • Logo: vector-based or high-res jpg (300 dpi)
  • Headline: 135 characters max (including spaces)
  • Subhead: 90 characters max (including spaces)
  • Body copy: 2,500 max (including spaces)
  • Company contact information: name, address, phone, and website
  • Bulleted features: 300 – 350 characters max (including spaces)

Art is due one week before the art due deadline for standard ads for the issue.

CEO Spotlight

For manufacturers, suppliers, and consultant CEOs

Special leaders deserve special sections. Don’t miss the chance to showcase the career, ideas, and goals of your CEO and how they are transforming the transportation industry in a special advertising section of Passenger Transport!

Purchase a CEO Spotlight ad and we will put together a visually striking layout the presents your company with the assets you provide.

Sponsors Receive:

  • Piece included in ONE print issue and its companion digital edition.
  • Digital version of the piece archived under the sponsored content section of Passenger Transport: APTA’s News Center.
  • Appears on the Passenger Transport: APTA’s News Center homepage for a one-week period during the calendar year.
  • Promoted in the weekly Passenger Transport Express e-newsletter.

Price: $3,000 

Deliverables include:

  • Image: 4.5″ width x 5.25″ height (300 dpi)
  • Logo: vector-based or high-res jpg (300 dpi)
  • Headline/subhead: under 100 characters max (including spaces)
  • Body copy: 4,300 characters max (including spaces)
  • Company contact information: name, address, phone, and website

Art is due one week before the art due deadline for standard ads for the issue.

Tech Corner

Passenger Transport’s Tech Corner is a special section that provides product reviews to more than 19,000 readers. This section will give your product elevated visibility, impact and credibility. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to have your company featured!

How does The Tech Corner work? It’s easy!

Purchase a Tech Corner ad and we will put together a visually striking layout the presents your company with the assets you provide.

Sponsors Receive:

  • Piece included in ONE print issue and its companion digital edition.
  • Digital version of the piece archived under the sponsored content section of Passenger Transport: APTA’s News Center.
  • Appears on the Passenger Transport: APTA’s News Center homepage for a one-week period during the calendar year.
  • Promoted in the weekly Passenger Transport Express e-newsletter.

Price: $3,000 

Deliverables include:

  • Image: 9.2″ width x 5.7″ height
  • Logo: vector-based or high-res jpg (300 dpi)
  • Headline: 76 characters max (including spaces)
  • Subhead: 60 characters max (including spaces)
  • Body copy: 2,500 max (including spaces)
  • Company contact information: name, address, phone, and website

Art is due one week before the art due deadline for standard ads for the issue.

Q&A Section

Highlight your business leadership and expertise in our Q&A Section.

The Q&A Section is an opportunity to distinguish yourself from your peers and competitors. Get a full page plus your photo in Passenger Transport. APTA’s editorial staff will provide the questions, and you provide the answers. Tell the public transit audience about yourself in the Q&A Section.

Sponsors Receive:

  • Piece included in ONE print issue and its companion digital edition.
  • Digital version of the piece archived under the sponsored content section of Passenger Transport: APTA’s News Center.
  • Appears on the Passenger Transport: APTA’s News Center homepage for a one-week period during the calendar year.
  • Promoted in the weekly Passenger Transport Express e-newsletter.

Price: $3,000 

Deliverables include:

  • Answers to APTA’s questions – 5,500 Characters max (including spaces)
  • High-res (6×6 in. – 300 dpi) photo (For large circle)
  • Headshot of the person answering questions – High-res (2×2 or 2×3 in – 300 dpi)
  • The person answering the questions must provide the following information:
    • Full Name
    • Title
    • Company Name
    • Location (City, State)

Materials (Q&A answers and image) are due one week before the art due deadline for standard ads for the issue.



Showcase what makes you an EXPERT in the industry!

Share a business success story, whitepaper, project, or product case study in the Expertorial section.
Educate APTA’s audience about how your products, solutions, or services impact bottom line profitability or productivity.

Expertorials are the perfect way to share your thought leadership with the public transit audience. As an added benefit, you’ll also receive increased exposure with a 1/3 page ad that will appear within the magazine.

Sponsors Receive:

  • Piece included in ONE print issue and its companion digital edition.
  • Digital version of the piece archived under the sponsored content section of Passenger Transport: APTA’s News Center.
  • Appears on the Passenger Transport: APTA’s News Center homepage for a one-week period during the calendar year.
  • Promoted in the weekly Passenger Transport Express e-newsletter.

Price: $3,500 

Deliverables include:

  • Photo: 300 dpi | 6.9688″ x 4.44″
  • Headline: 5-10 words
  • Editorial copy: 4,900 characters max (including spaces)
  • Author byline
  • Company name, URL, address and/or email
  • 1/3 page vertical ad | 4.5″ x 7.75″

Art is due one week before the art due deadline for standard ads for the issue.


Top public transportation decision-makers read this website. Don’t miss them!


Average Monthly PAgeviews


Average monthly Users/unique visitors


Average Monthly Total Visitors

APTA’s website is the must-view location for the association’s members. The site keeps members up to date on all association activities, resources, news, and information. Members consistently give the site high rankings. APTA’s website is responsively designed, providing an optimum reading experience (including your advertisement) on any mobile phone or tablet.

Website Placements

Medium Rectangle
gif files can be accepted
300 x 250$1,050 per month$990 per month
Bottom Banner Ad (Homepage Only)728 x 90$1,050 per month$990 per month
Page CurlExclusive Opportunity500 x 500
Design Requirements:
Half of the space (bottom right) will not be displayed; triangle in top left will always be displayed
File format: PNG or JPG only, no animated GIF
Click here for an example. Click here to see this example on a preview link. 
$2,250 per month$2,250 per month

Passenger Transport News Center

Passenger Transport: APTA’s News Center is a continuously updated platform that provides timely news and information about the issues, trends, and events that affect public transportation. The Passenger Transport News Center is sold as a monthly opportunity.


Annual pageviews


active users

Sponsors Receive:

  • Top Leaderboard (970 x 250 px)
  • Leaderboard (728 x 90 px) that rotates throughout the whole website
  • Rectangle Ad (300 x 250)

Sponsors Receive:

  • Video (Video file and 15-word description)
  • Sponsored Content (15-word description, photo, headline 5-10 words, editorial copy: 500-800 words, author byline, bio (company name, URL, address and/or email)
  • Non-APTA members add 25% to rates listed above
  • All rates are considered net

Passenger Transport Express eNewsletter

Sent weekly, the Passenger Transport Express email offers subscribers a preview of the content available on Passenger Transport: APTA’s News Center. Reach more than 30,000 public transportation industry professionals and decision makers when you advertise in Passenger Transport Express!





Rates & Specs

Top Leaderboard650 x 80px$1,200$1,150$1,070$975
Mid Leaderboard650 x 80px$1,200$1,150$1,070$975
Bottom Leaderboard650 x 80px$950$925$850$775
Sponsored Content Text Ad100 x 100px square logo, 50 word maximum and link to website$1,200$1,150$1,070$975
Video Ad460 x 208px image that directs to designated destination link$1,800
  • Non-APTA members add 25% to rates listed above
  • All rates are considered net


  • Advertisements cannot be FLASH-based; must be GIF (non-animated) or JPEG 
  • Advertisements include clickthrough URL
  • All URLs for ads will open a new browser window when clicked

Sponsored HTML Eblast

Let APTA send an email blast to our membership as sponsored content. New products and services that you want the industry to know about right now can be sent in an email.

Price: $2,500

Frequency: Limited to one eblast per week; Eblasts are sent 4x a month and available once per quarter per advertiser


Average Circulation

Material Requirements for Advertisers

  • Fully designed, ready-to-send email in an HTML file 
  • Email platforms can display your content differently, so it is recommended to use a testing service to confirm html validation and deliverability of code.
  • Subject line for email (40 characters, recommended; 78 maximum)
  • Pre-Header text for the email (75 characters maximum)

HTML Specifications

  • 650 px wide (recommended)
  • Footer to include Company Name, Valid Postal Address, Email Address
  • Mobile responsive
  • Build the HTML file with tables instead of DIV
  • All images and fonts need to be linked to the appropriate files hosted on your servers (no local files)
  • All hyperlinks need to be embedded
  • Avoid a single image as the eblast.

Deadlines and Proofing

  • Materials are due on Monday, two weeks before the scheduled send date. A delay in materials or advertiser approval could jeopardize the send date.
  • All content is subject to review by APTA.
  • Materials that do not meet stated advertising specifications will be rejected.
  • Necessary alterations are the responsibility of and at the expense of the advertiser.
  • A proof from the email system will be sent for advertiser approval. 

Digital Ad Deadlines

2025 Digital ad deadlines

Month ad is
running in
Art deadline
Month ad is
running in
Art deadline

Sponsored Eblast Deadlines

Must provide materials two weeks before your send date.

Ad Submission Requirements

  • Send digital ad materials to: [email protected]
  • When emailing us your materials, please include the client acronym in your subject line.
  • All advertisers are subject to review and publisher’s advertising policies.
  • Necessary alterations are the responsibility of and at the expense of the advertiser. All materials must be submitted in accordance with the published deadlines and meet the criteria stated in the advertising policy.

Lead Generation with Lead Marvels

Pay-for-Preformance Content Marketing & Lead Generation Solutions

Tap into the power of Lead Marvels and reach our active and engaged audience of more than 400 transit agencies and over 20,000 public transit industry decision-makers to become a source of new business development leads!

Standard vs Premium Leads:

  • Standard Lead: First Name, Last Name. Email, Phone, Company Name
  • Premium Lead: Standard Lead Information + Industry Professional Filter


Tap into the power of Lead Marvels and reach our active and engaged audience of more than 400 transit agencies and over 20,000 public transit industry decision-makers to become a source of new business development leads!

Step 1: Select Your Lead Type

A. Standard LeadFirst Name, Last Name, Email, Phone, Company Name.
Lead data must be valid according to T&C’s
$60 CPL
B. Premium Lead*“Standard Lead” fields PLUS “Industry Professional” filter
Leads are filtered to only transit professionals
$75 CPL

Step 2: Select Your Quarterly Lead Goal

A. 50 Leads
B. 100 Leads5% Discount
C. 200+ Leads10% Discount

“Premium Lead” is based based on leads selecting “Transit Agency” or “Government Agency/MPO/DOT” to “Company Type”, and only those selections will be considered qualified and apply towards the program lead goal. Form completions that select “Consulting/Professional Services”, “Manufacturer/Supplier/Vendor”, “Construction Contractor/Manager”, or “Other” will be “unqualified” and will not be delivered or apply towards the program lead goal.

Content Offerings

The content must have thought leadership or educational value to the audience. Examples of types of content that could be submitted are listed below. Other content types are subject to approval.

  • Case Studies
  • eBooks
  • Guides
  • Research 
  • Reports
  • White Papers
  • Infographics

Submit content to your Account executive.


Make the most of your advertising budget!

Package 1 – $15,000 ($19,025 Value)

  • 3 full page ads ($10,125)
  • 2 sponsored HTML emails ($5,000)
  • Bellyband in 1 clicbook issue ($500)
  • 1 week sponsored content placement on Passenger Transport: APTA’s News Center ($1,000)
  • 2 top leaderboards in Passenger Transport Express ($2,400)

Package 2 – $10,000 ($12,150 Value)

  • 2 full page ads ($6,750)
  • Top banner in 1 clicbook issue ($700)
  • 1 week sponsored content placement on Passenger Transport: APTA’s News Center ($1,000)
  • 1 top leaderboards in Passenger Transport Express ($1,200)

Package 3 – $5,000 ($5,575 Value)

  • 1 full page ad (3,375)
  • 1 week sponsored content placement on Passenger Transport: APTA’s News Center ($1,000)
  • 1 top leaderboards in Passenger Transport Express ($1,200)


The advertiser and its agency will be held jointly and severally liable for monies due and payable for ads ordered and published. Cancellations or changes in orders (advertising contact) may not be made by the advertiser or the agency after the closing date. Cancellation of any space reservation by the advertiser or its agency will result in an adjustment of the rate (shortage) based on past and subsequent insertions to reflect actual space used at the earned frequency of volume rate.


The advertiser and its agency assume liability for all content of ads printed, and also assume responsibility for any claims arising therefrom made against the publisher. Publisher reserves the right to reject any ad. Publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any ad or space reservation at any time. Publisher shall not be liable for any costs or damages if for any reason the publisher fails to publish an ad, or for errors in key number, reader service number, or ad index.


Commissions not to exceed 15 percent of gross billing are granted to recognized agencies and are only applicable to accounts paid within 45 days of the invoice date.

All advertisements are subject to the approval of the Publisher.

Advertiser indemnifies The YGS Group and the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) against losses or liabilities arising from this advertising. The YGS Group assumes no liability whatsoever, except to the extent of a one-time paid advertisement of the same specification, in the next or similar publication, if any proven or admitted errors or omissions have occurred. Payment is due upon receipt of the invoice. Interest shall be charged at 2% per month compounded to yield 26.82% per year on overdue accounts. A charge of $30.00 will be levied against all returned checks. Revisions to previously submitted ad copy are subject to additional charges. In the event of a contract cancellation, the advertiser/or agency agrees to repay The YGS Group any discounts granted for multiple insertions less any discount applicable for the number of insertions completed in the contract. All cancellations must be received in writing prior to the advertising sales deadline. All premium positions are noncancelable. Prices are net of agency commission. Ads may also appear in an online version of the publication(s). The YGS Group is not responsible for errors if a hard copy proof is not submitted with the electronic file.

Ad Submission Info


  • A high-resolution PDF/X-1a file is required for all ads.
  • Colors must be CMYK. No ICC profiles, RGB, or Pantone colors.
  • Resolution of all photography and scanned illustrations must be at least 300 dpi. Line art should be 600 dpi.
  • Vital copy and images must be at least 1/8” away from trim. Spread ads must have at least 3/8” total gutter.
  • Materials should be submitted without crop marks, but full-page ads should include the required 1/8” bleed.
  • All fonts used must be embedded in the PDF file.
  • Using the bold, italic, or other style keys is not encouraged. Please use the bold or italic version of the font. (For example, instead of making Adobe® Garamond bold with the style key, use the actual font for Adobe® Garamond Bold.)
  • Flatten all layers and set transparency to highest setting.
  • Ads must be suitable to print as-is. Association is not responsible for any errors in content.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Materials that do not meet the stated advertising specifications will be rejected.
  • Necessary alterations are the responsibility of and at the expense of the advertiser. All materials must be submitted in accordance with the published deadlines and meet the criteria stated in the advertising policy.


For instructions on how to upload your A high-resolution PDF/X-1a file, click here.


For digital submission please email [email protected] or you may upload directly into our submission portal.

For questions about your ad or the portal or if you need an invite, please reach out to [email protected].

For instructions on how to upload your file, click here.


[email protected]

The YGS Group
3650 West Market Street
York, PA 17404
Tel: 717.505.9701

Contact your APTA Account Executive for more advertising information.

Natalie Matter Bellis
Account Executive
[email protected]

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