About NCTM

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is the world’s largest mathematics education organization.

NCTM was founded in 1920 and includes a membership of 25,000+ and more than 200 affiliates.

Who are NCTM members?

Classroom Teacher57%
Teacher Educator15%
Math Coach4%
Curriculum Supervisor4%
Retired Educator3%
Math Specialist2%

What do NCTM members buy?

  • Assessment Resources
  • Calculators
  • Clothing, Jewelry, and Accessories
  • Common Core Resources
  • Games and Toys
  • Hands-on Materials and Manipulatives
  • Higher Education
  • Online Resources
  • Professional Development Books and Resources
  • Professional Organizations
  • Ready-to-learn Materials
  • Software Apps
  • Teaching Resources
  • Textbooks

NCTM members are loyal and experienced:

12.3 years

Avg. number of years as a member of NCTM

15.7 years

Avg. number of years in the education field

The buying power of the NCTM readership


are involved in purchasing

$275 million

total value of products and services recommended, specified or purchased in the last 12 months


buy products/services for students/classrooms out of their own pocket

Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12 (MTLT)

Launched in January 2020, Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12 (MTLT) is a journal that reflects the current practices of mathematics education, as well as maintaining a knowledge base of practice and policy in looking at the future of the field. Content is aimed at the grades from preschool to 12th grade with peer-reviewed and invited articles.

It is published 12 times a year and provides more frequent and timely content on topics of relevance to math educators and learners. The digital version of the journal will embrace the latest technology to promote individual member engagement and community, while continuing to deliver the grade-band specific high-quality classroom resource materials.


ISSUES SENT OUT December 2022


Reads half or more of each issue

Bundle & Save with MTLT!

Extend the reach of your ad in Mathematics Teacher Learning & Teaching (MTLT) when you combine your magazine ad with a complimentary ad in the issue’s e-Table of Contents (eTOC).

Issue deadlines apply. CLICK HERE to see the MTLT production schedule.


The brand and message exposure when you pair a print ad with an eTOC ad


December 2024Oct. 18, 2024Nov. 1. 2024
January 2025Nov. 19, 2024Dec. 5, 2024
February 2025Dec. 16, 2024Dec. 26, 2024
March 2025Jan. 14, 2025Jan. 28, 2025
April 2025Feb. 12, 2025Feb. 26, 2025
May 2025Mar. 17, 2025Mar. 31, 2025
June 2025Apr. 16, 2025Apr. 30, 2025
July 2025May 14, 2025May 28, 2025
August 2025Jun. 13, 2025Jun. 27, 2025
September 2025Jul. 15, 2025Jul, 29, 2025
October 2025Aug. 14, 2025Aug. 28, 2025
November 2025Sep. 17, 2025Oct. 1, 2025
December 2025 Oct. 16, 2025 Oct. 30, 2025


4 Color1-2x3-4x5-6x7-12x
Full Page$3,500$3,300$3,100$2,900
1/2 Page$2,500$2,400$2,300$2,200
Inside Front Cover$4,300
Inside Back Cover$4,000
Back Cover$4,500

All Rates are Non-Commissionable

Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12 (MTLT) Specs

Positionw x h
Full PageBleed: 8.5 x 11.125″
Trim: 8.25 x 10.875″
Live Area: 7.75 x 10.375″
1/2 Page Horizontal6.75 x 4.5625″
1/2 Page Vertical2 x 9.3125″
1/3 Page Square4.375 x 4.375″
1/6 Page Vertical2 x 4.5625″

Publication Trim Size: 8.25″ x 10.875″
Bleed Size: 8.5″ x 11.125″

Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (JRME)

JRME is devoted to the interests of teachers of mathematics and mathematics education at all levels—preschool through college.

JRME is a forum for disciplined inquiry into the teaching and learning of mathematics. The editors encourage the submission of a variety of manuscripts: reports of research, including experiments, case studies, surveys, philosophical studies, and historical studies; articles about research, including literature reviews and theoretical analyses; brief reports of research; critiques of articles and books; and brief commentaries on issues pertaining to research.

The articles in JRME are research-based and provide a more in-depth look at issues affecting mathematics education. This highly-regarded content is geared toward research-oriented math educators, including mathematics departments and school libraries.


avg monthly pageviews

Ad Rates & Specs

AD SIZEPer month
Home Leaderboard (320×50, 728×90)$1,000
Medium Rectangle (300×250)$750

Mathematics Teacher Educator (MTE)

Mathematics Teacher Educator (MTE) works to build a professional knowledge base for mathematics teacher educators that stems from, develops, and strengthens practitioner knowledge. The journal provides a means for practitioner knowledge related to the preparation and support of teachers of mathematics to be not only public, shared, and stored, but also verified and improved over time (Hiebert, Gallimore, and Stigler 2002).

Mathematics Teacher Educator is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal for practitioners. Three issues of the journal are published each year.


avg monthly pageviews

Ad Rates & Specs

AD SIZEper month
Interior Pages (230×50, 728×90)$150
Home Leaderboard (300×250)$300


Place a banner on nctm.org and provide your company with maximum exposure 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call us today to find out which option is the best for your company.


AVG Monthly Pageviews


AVG Unique visitors

Ad Rates & Sizes

Ad ZoneAd Size*Per Month
Leaderboard Banner728 x 90 (Limit 2)$2,200
NEW! Classroom Resources – Leaderboard Banner728 x 90 $2,000
Home Page Rectangle300 x 250$2,000
Sitewide*300 x 250$1,800
Sitewide Footer728 x 90$1,600

*Sitewide ads do not include the home page and Classroom Resources page. Rates are not agency commissionable.


Pubs.nctm.org houses the content of the NCTM publications. This online archive includes articles and features from Mathematics Teacher: Learning & Teaching Prek-12, the Journal for Research in Mathematics EducationMath Teacher Educator and the NCTM Legacy Journals.


aVG. monthly pageviews*


avg. unique visitors*

Ad Rates & Specs

Ad SizePer Month
Home Leaderboard (320 x 50, 728 x 90)$1,750
Medium Rectangle (300 x 250)*$1,000

*Based on Mar.-Sep. 2021 info


2.2 million impressions monthly

NCTM’s Illuminations is designed to give NCTM members (and nonmember students) free access to online math lesson plans, activities, games, and mobile apps.

Math teachers from all over the world access this site, delivering 2.2 million page impressions monthly. Don’t miss the opportunity to advertise! Call today for more information and to reserve space.

Ad Rates & Sizes

Ad SizeAd SizePer Month
Home PageRectangle (300 x 250)$2,500
Interior PagesSkyscraper (160 x 600)

Retargeting Campaign

Retargeting is a type of digital advertising that enables marketers to create highly targeted ad campaigns that reach their desired audience across the internet. By utilizing retargeting technology on association websites, marketers capture a prequalified audience to turn association members and supporters into customers of their own. 

Provide your campaign budget and your ads will run until contracted impressions are met on NCTM’s websites. Submitting all materials as recommended will provide the highest placement rate and allow the system to best optimize your ad campaign for performance. Keep the message simple and the text as large and easy-to-read as possible.

Display Rates

Package 140,000$1,600
Package 290,000$3,600
Package 3150,000$6,000
*Video options available upon request

*Discounting is not available


Advertiser to provide the materials as noted for the contracted display ads or video for the Retargeting Campaign:

Required Display Ad Assets:

Display banners for both desktop and mobile in all of these sizes:

  • 300×250
  • 300×600
  • 160×600
  • Click-through URL
  • 320×50
  • 468×60
  • 728×90

Recommended Ad Formats:

  • JPG or PNG (Static Image) 
  • GIF (Animated – Max. 15 seconds of looping) 

Impression Requirements:

  • 40,000 Impression minimum

Geofencing Ad Specs

Geofencing allows for a perimeter to be set up around NCTM events, that triggers user interaction when attendees enter the space. By offering hyper-targeted location-based ads, you will capture the attention of attendees at NCTM events, in their hotels, and even back at their offices after the show. We’re able to capture devices as far back as 12 months ago and as recently as 3 days ago.  Looking to capture other locations, we can do that too!

Geofencing also lets you get the most out of your advertising with powerful analytics, including insights and a demographic report. These reports tell us the consumers’ basic demographic data, visitor frequency, household income, and much more.  

Pricing: $3,000 for 40,000 impressions 


Display banners for both desktop and mobile in the following sizes (JPEG or GIF plus the click-through URL) 

  • 728 x 90 pixels 
  • 300 x 250 pixels 
  • 300 x 600 pixels 
  • 160 x 600 pixels 
  • 320 x 50 pixels 

Sponsored Eblasts

Your custom messaging delivered to the inboxes of your selection of grade band educators and professionals!
Inventory is limited – limit 2 sponsored eblasts per month.


AVG open rate

Based on Q1 2024 Emails



Based on Q1 2024 Emails

List Sizes

Full File 20,290$7,000
Grades 9-12 6,995$4,000
Grades 6-86,709$4,000
Grades 3-55,769$4,000
Grades PK-24,412$4,000

Material Requirements

  • Fully designed, ready-to-send email in an HTML file (use a testing service such as litmus to confirm html validation and deliverability of code)
  • All images and fonts need to be linked to the appropriate files hosted on your servers (no local files)
  • All hyperlinks need to be embedded
  • Subject line for the email
  • Add the following disclosure to the top of email “This is a paid advertisement sent by NCTM on behalf of the advertiser. The opinions expressed are that of the advertiser.

Special Offers

List type Price
Two Grade Band List Sends$5,500
“Other” List*$3,000
* Reach more than 11,000 more members! This category consists of people who have not selected any grade band, who have selected ‘Other,’ or who appear on more than one of the other lists.

HTML Requirements

  • 650px wide (recommended)
  • Mobile responsiveness
  • Build the HTML file with tables instead of DIV; DIV does not work well with email
  • All images and fonts need to be linked to the appropriate files hosted on your servers (no local files)
  • All hyperlinks need to be embedded

Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (JRME eTOC)

The Journal for Research in Mathematics Education is available to individuals as part of an NCTM membership.

The Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (JRME), an official journal of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), is the premier research journal in math education and devoted to the interests of teachers and researchers at all levels—preschool through college.

JRME is published five times a year—January, March, May, July, and November—and presents a variety of viewpoints. Each issue offers three banner options on the right-hand edge of the update

Ad Rates & Sizes

Ad Size1x3x5x
180 x 450 Large Banner$1,602$1,436$1,325
180 x 300 Medium Banner$1,059$994$938


Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12

Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12 (MTLT eTOC) is NCTM’s monthly journal reflecting the current practices of mathematics education, as well as maintaining a knowledge base of practice and policy in looking at the future of the field. Content is aimed at preschool to 12th grade with peer-reviewed and invited articles.

Delivered digitally to 17,000+ readers each month, the MTLT eTOC outlines the feature articles of each must read issue

Ad Rates & Sizes

Ad Size1x3x6x
Leaderboard (560 x 90)$1,602$1,436$1,325
Large Banner (180 x 450)$1,059$994$938

Journal for Research in Mathematics Education

The Journal for Research in Mathematics Education is available to individuals as part of an NCTM membership.

The Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (JRME), an official journal of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), is the premier research journal in math education and devoted to the interests of teachers and researchers at all levels—preschool through college.

JRME is published five times a year—January, March, May, July, and November—and presents a variety of viewpoints. Each issue offers three banner options on the right-hand edge of the update

Ad Rates & Sizes

Ad Size1x3x5x
180 x 450 Large Banner$1,602$1,436$1,325
180 x 300 Medium Banner$1,059$994$938

Mathematics Teacher Educator

Online Circulation: 3,000

MTE is a joint online-only publication of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE).  This scholarly, peer-reviewed journal is delivered three times a year to more than 3,000 practitioners in math education who are NCTM and AMTE members. Reserve your space today in this highly regarded publication!  

Ad Rates & Sizes

Ad Size1x2x
180 x 450$1,555$1,394
180 x 300$1,028$965

Mathematics Teacher Educator (MTE eTOC)

Online Circulation: 3,000

MTE is a joint online-only publication of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE).  This scholarly, peer-reviewed journal is delivered three times a year to more than 3,000 practitioners in math education who are NCTM and AMTE members. Reserve your space today in this highly regarded publication!  


IssueAd CLoseArt Due

Ad Rates & Sizes

180 x 450$1,555$1,394
180 x 300$1,028$965


Summing Up




Avg. Open Rate


Avg. CTR

Emailed the third week of each month, Summing Up delivers the latest news and information about math education including legislative updates, member news, resources, and much more.

Ad TypeAd Specs1x3x6x+
Sponsored Content
1 position available/month
500×246 px JPEG/PNG image, headline, up to 677 characters of body text and click through URL$3,500$3,300$3,000
Banner Ad
3 positions available/month
650×100 px JPEG/PNG image and click through URL$2,500$2,300$2,000

Rates are not agency commissionable.

*Averages based on Sept. 2022-Aug. 2023

Classroom Resources




avg. open rate

Emailed the last Thursday of each month, Classroom Resources delivers the latest news and updates on lessons and activities, technology, plus much more.

Ad TypeAd Specs1x3x6x+
Sponsored Content
1 position available/month
500×246 px JPEG/PNG image, headline, up to 677 characters of body text and click through URL$3,000$2,800$2,500
Banner Ad
3 positions available/month
650×100 px JPEG/PNG image and click through URL$2,000$1,800$1,500

Social Media

Reach nearly 70,000 Facebook followers!

Per post cost: $1,750, 3 for $5,000

Reach nearly 84,000 X followers!

Per Tweet Cost: $1,750, 3 for $5,000


PlacementFeed and image dimensions and guidelinesFeed ad character limits
FacebookRecommended specs: 1,200 x 900 pixels.

News Feed image ratio: 4:3.

Recommended formats: JPG and PNG
Text: 350 characters (with spaces) recommended
(longer posts may be truncated on small screens)

Call to action with URL
XRecommended specs: 1,200 x 675 pixels

Maximum file size: 5 MB for photos and 3 MB for animated GIFs.
Text: 200 characters (with spaces) recommended; 280 characters max

Call to action with URL

Social media posts may NOT publish within 5 business days prior to, during, or after NCTM events.

*Advertiser posts are limited to one post per week, per platform.

Webinar Sponsorships

Sponsoring an NCTM webinar is an opportunity to make your company’s name stand out and get recognized. Our sponsorship packages help you build and expand brand awareness, loyalty, and equity through unique and engaging live 60-minute webinars.

Custom Webinar Presentation – $6,000

Custom Webinar Presentations are your chance to position your brand as a thought leader and provide innovative solutions to core decision makers who influence the world of mathematics education. Opportunity includes:

  • One (1) sponsor-provided speaker and content to present a webinar on NCTM’s platforms (all content, speakers, and themes are vetted through NCTM for approval)
  • Recognition at the start and end of the webinar
  • Logo recognition at the beginning and ending the webinar
  • Contact information for participants who have opted-in to receiving information from the sponsor
  • Recognition on promotional channels* (NCTM Website, eNewsletter(s), and social media) starting 3-weeks prior to the scheduled webinar date

Commercials (2) – $3,300

Sponsor an NCTM webinar and reach a highly engaged audience of math teachers. Sponsorship opportunities for NCTM’s new webinar series generate visibility, foster engagement, and provide measurable results for your brand. Opportunity includes:

  • Two (2) :30 second commercials to be read during a webinar
  • Recognition at the start and end of the webinar
  • Logo recognition at the beginning and ending the webinar
  • Recognition on promotional channels* (NCTM Website, eNewsletter(s), and social media)

Logo Placement – $1,750

  • Recognition at the start and end of the webinar
  • Logo recognition at the beginning and ending the webinar
  • Recognition on promotional channels* (NCTM Website, eNewsletter(s), and social media)

*All enewsletter and social media promotional materials should be provided by the sponsor. Click here for social media specifications. Enewletter ad size is 650 x 150 pixels

Adding It All Up

NCTM Podcasts

2024 Topic Schedule*

April10 Years of Principles to Actions – revisiting this best-seller with the authors – key takeaways, how you can benefit
MayConnected Learning: Sharpening the Focus on Elementary Literacy and Mathematics – a Joint Conference Preview podcast with the Program Chairs for NCTE and NCTM
JuneExploring the Impact of Identity in K–12 Mathematics – an interview with book authors Julia Aguirre and Karen Mayfield-Ingram
July“Teaching Is a Journey” segment
Special episode: Sneak Peek of the 2024 Annual Meeting A conversation with the opening keynote speaker and program committee chair
AugustBack to School – What teachers are doing, best practices and resources
SeptemberHigh School Book – What is is and why is it important?
OctoberExploring AI in the mathematics classroom
NovemberMaking the most of your winter break
Strategies/resolutions for 2025 in your classroom
Each episode is no more than 30 minutes long

*Schedule subject to change

Podcast Promotion:

  • One social media post, which includes a snippet of the podcast as promotion on the day it releases.
  • Featured in NCTM monthly all-member email “Summing Up” – which drops the same day as the podcast.
  • Embedded player on the NCTM.org homepage, allowing listeners to access all episodes.

Advertising Opportunities

Entire Episode – Exclusive$1,500
Opening Spot$750
Midway Spot$500
Closing Acknowledgement$500
Each advertising opportunity is 15 seconds long

Deliverable Requirements – Entire Episode

  • Opening 15- second pre recorded advertisement with an introduction by the podcast host
  • Midway advertisement with a 15-second pre-recorded segment
  • Closing advertisement with a 15-second pre-recorded segment
  • Advertiser name on podcast promotion – “brought to you by”  
  • Sponsor listed in the episode description

Deliverable Requirements– Opening, Midway and Closing

  • 15-second pre-recorded advertisement
  • Advertiser name on podcast promotion – “brought to you by”  
  • Sponsor listed in the episode description

NCTM Interactive Institute

December 5-6, 2024 | Hilton Lake Las Vegas Resort and Spa | Las Vegas, NV

Engaging Students who Struggle: Tools for Effective Instruction

Just Announced! Spotlight your company as the exclusive title sponsor at NCTM’s upcoming Interactive Institute. This two-day event—December 5–6, 2024 in Las Vegas—will focus on providing 500 teachers and educators by grade-band with resources and practical solutions to better support their students who struggle.

EXCLUSIVE Title Sponsorship Available!

Pre-Conference Exposure

  • Recognition on the Event Website – prominent placement on homepage with click-through to your company’s site.
  • Promotional Email Series – Your company’s logo and 50-word description will appear at the bottom of all targeted emails promoting the conference. These emails are sent to potential event attendees, highlighting content, special events, location, and speakers.

Onsite Deliverables

  • Two-Minute Introduction/Conference Welcome – welcome attendees to the Winter Institute with up to a 2-minute welcome/introduction to your company prior to the start of the opening session.
  • Promotional Panel – two (2) branded pop-up panels will be prominently displayed at both registration and session areas of the hotel – maximizing your exposure.
  • Walk-in Slide – Your company’s logo will be front and center as attendees enter the session room. These walk-in slides play on a continuous loop prior to sessions.
  • Eight (8) Foot Table – Connect with Institute attendees and share your products and services with a dedicated draped table/space outside the session room.
  • Lunch Recognition – Maximize your visibility with additional title sponsor recognition signage to be placed next to food stations at lunch during each day of the event.
  • Exclusive Company Flyer/Handout – Take advantage of an extra opportunity to promote your business. These one-page flyers will be available in the registration area for all attendees.
  • Event Participation – Up to five (5) Complimentary Registrations

Post-Event Visibility

  • Participant mailing list – As the title sponsor, continue to connect with attendees after the event with exclusive one-time use of the participant mailing list.
  • Social Media recognition – As the title sponsor, your company receives “thank you” recognition for your sponsorship across NCTM’s social media channels.

Conferences at-a-Glance

NCTM hosts the best-attended and most dynamic events that attract the most top-level education professionals. These are the people who shape the industry. Sponsoring a conference event, program, or service is an opportunity to make your company’s name stand out and get recognized. Captivate core decision makers who influence the world of mathematics education. Let us help you build and expand brand awareness, loyalty, and equity through unique and engaging marketing opportunities.

Combine your exhibit booth with advertising and sponsorships for maximum exposure and impact!


of Exhibitors Meet Their Event Goals

Based on 2022 Annual Meeting
& Exposition survey results.

Exhibitor Workshop Submission Guide

Thank you for your support of NCTM events! Your contribution of thought leadership through exhibitor workshops helps us to bring the latest and greatest to meeting attendees.

When the portal for exhibitor workshop submissions is available, you will receive notice via email with a username and password, granting you access to the submission form. That form will prompt you for the following details:

Step-By-Step Instructions

  1. Use the provided URL and login credentials to sign in.
  2. Confirm your contact information and check the box to consent to the data collection on the digital form.
  3. Click the “Submissions” link in the far right column of the 3 columns of information that appear on the next screen.
  4. Click the “Create Proposal for Exhibitor Workshop” button.
  5. Proceed through each of the 7 tabs listed on the left side of the page, clicking “Save” or “Save And Proceed” after each piece is entered. Character counts and tips are included in the Submission Specs column to the right.

Tips for a Successful Exhibitor Workshop

Do your homework before class! Promote your workshop and presence at the event via your social media channels and client lists to generate buzz.

Consider renting a lead retrieval device to scan attendees’ badges as they enter or have a sign-in sheet available.

Keep your content focused on thought leadership and less on sales. How can attendees utilize your products and services to solve a problem in the math community or help them in their day-to-day?

Submission Specs

Relevant character counts and tips for each of the 7 required tabs listed in step 5 of the Step-By-Step instructions to the left.

  • Title: 100 characters (including spaces) or less
  • Speaker: This step will prompt you to confirm that you are the Lead Contact for exhibitor workshop submission. Speaker names/bios are not published for exhibitor workshops. Session information will relay your company name, city and state (as it appears in the exhibit booth software).
  • Description of Presentation: 350 characters (including spaces) or less
  • Topics: Select ONE from each category below.
    • Session Content Level (Introduction to the Topic, Intermediate or In-Depth)
    • Workshop Audience (Pre-K-2, 3 to 5, 6 to 8, 8 to 10, 10 to 12, Coaches/Leaders/Teacher Educators, General Interest, Higher Education, Research)
    • Strands (NCTM 2025 Spring Conference):
      • Augmenting Your Instructional Playbook: Unveiling the Impact of Effective Teaching Practices
      • Enhancing Your Instructional Playbook: Maximizing Learning Through Technology Integration
      • Expanding Your Instructional Playbook: Cultivating Teacher and Student Content Knowledge
      • Strengthening Your Instructional Playbook: Establishing Equitable Learning Communities
      • Transforming Your Instructional Playbook: Reimagining Your Classroom Assessment Practices
      • Additional Information
        • Scheduled: Indicate whether you are submitting one or multiple exhibitor workshops. If you are submitting multiple, please have your confirmed workshop schedule handy so that you can provide the date and time that corresponds with each submission.
        • Special Assistance: Indicate whether you require special assistance as defined by the ADA or special scheduling consideration for religious reason(s).
        • Preview
        • Finalize

Past Exhibitors & Sponsors

We thank the exhibitors and sponsors below for their support of NCTM events over the past few years’ events! Ready to join them?

Illustrative Mathematics logo
No photo description available.
Zaner-Bloser logo

3P Learning
Accelerate Learning
Achieve 3000
Adapta Education
Age of Learning
Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship Program
American Academy of Actuaries
American Book Company
American College of Education
Amplify Education
Ascend Math
ASSISTments Foundation
Because Science
Bedford, Freeman & Worth
Benjamin Banneker Assn.
Big Ideas Learning
Birdbrain Technologies
Carnegie Learning
Carney, Sandoe & Associates
Casio America, Inc.
Catherine Fosnot & Associates
Center for Math & Teaching
C King Education
Clark County School District
College Board
CPM Educational Program
Curriculum Associates
Data Science 4 Everyone
Didax Education
EAI Education
EdGems Math
Ellevation Education
First in Math
Fulbright Teacher Exchanges
George Mason University College of Education & Human Development
Get More Math!
Geyer Instructional Products
GM Educator Appreciation Program
Great Minds
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

I Know It
Imagine Learning
IM K-12
Innovamat Education
IXL Learning
Johns Hopkins University School of Education
Kendall Hunt Publishing Company
Knowles Teacher Initiative
Learn Fresh
Legends of Learning
Link-Systems International
Magma Math
Marshall Cavendish Education
Math & Movement
Math Books By Dan
Math Comic Hero
Math Medic
Math Olympiads – MOEMS
Math Wiz Flash Cards
McGraw Hill
Method Learning
Michigan State University
Microsoft TEALS Program
MIND Education
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
National Council of Supervisors of Math (NCSM)
National Geographic Learning | Cengage Learning
National Museum of Mathematics
National Science Foundation (NSF)
New Classrooms Innovation Partners
Next Gen Personal Finance
ORIGO Education
PersonalFinanceLab by StockTrak
PhET Interactive Simulations
Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST)
Prodigy Education

Riverside Insights
RTI Center for Education Services
Savvas Learning Company
Search Associates
Semper Smart Games
Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
Speak Agent
Splash Party
Stenhouse/Taylor & Francis Group
Stern Math
Storytime STEM-packs
Sylvan Learning
Tang Math Store
Teach to One
Texas Instruments
The American Institutes for Research (AIR)
The Bach Company
The Markerboard People
The Math Learning Center
The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine
The Princeton Review/Tutor.com
think! Mathematics
TODOS – Mathematics for ALL
University of Arkansas Global Campus
University of Cincinnati Online
University of Georgia
University of Nebraska
University of Notre Dame Center for STEM Education
University of Waterloo
US Census Bureau
US Naval Academy STEM Center
US Math Recovery Council

JOIN US at the 2025 Annual Meeting & Exposition!
October 15-18, 2025 | Atlanta, GA

Interested in reaching thousands of mathematics educators
and decision makers from around the world?

NCTM has consistently produced the best attended and most dynamic educational conferences and events. 
The NCTM Annual Meeting & Exposition is the largest of its kind and hosts the best-attended and most dynamic
events that attract the most top-level education professionals.

Hear what others have to say about their experience and take 90-seconds to watch our 2023 teaser video!

STAND OUT from Your Competition with Sponsorship

Maximize the power of your brand by becoming an NCTM event sponsor. The NCTM Annual Meeting & Exposition attracts the most top-level professionals in the mathematics education marketplace. These are the people who shape the industry. Sponsoring this event is an opportunity to make your company’s name stand out and get recognized. Let us help you build and expand brand awareness, loyalty, and equity through unique and engaging marketing opportunities that captivate core decision-makers who influence the world of mathematics education. Plus, sponsors of the NCTM Annual Meeting & Exposition see 1.4-2X MORE LEADS than companies that only exhibit!

Choose from our sponsorship menu or contact us today to start a custom package that’s tailored to your goals and budget.

Establish Thought Leadership with Exhibitor Workshops

Exhibitors that provide content for exhibitor workshops generate 39-50% more leads than those that do not. Take exhibiting to the next level by participating in these one-hour sessions that allow you to showcase your products and services with more in-depth information and hands-on instruction. Workshops are available only to companies exhibiting at the NCTM Annual Meeting & Exposition. These assignments are made on a first-come, first-served basis

Exhibit Opportunities Available!

The exhibitor schedule consists of 18 hours of expo hall time over 3 days to connect with thousands of educators. Increase your booth traffic and connect with attendees by participating in the Passport activity or ask about branding and marketing opportunities around the venue to expand your reach.

Join us in Kansas City!

February 5-7, 2025 | Kansas City, MO | Kansas City Convention Center

NCTM’s Spring Conference, previously known as the NCTM Regional Conference & Exposition, is a great way to interact with thousands of classroom teachers and decision makers in the mathematics education field. Past attendance has averaged over 2,000 attendees making exhibiting an easy and effective way to get great exposure for your company’s name and products. Maximize your exposure and have your company listing included in the digital conference program books!

Venue & Exhibit Hall Information

The NCTM Regional Conference & Exposition in Kansas City, MO will be held in the Kansas City Convention & Entertainment Facilities with the exhibit hall housed in Bartle Exhibit Hall A. The convention center is located at 301 West 13th Street, Suite 100, Kansas City, MO 64105.

Contract Deadline: January 17, 2025

STAND OUT from the Competition with Sponsorship!

Maximize the power of your brand by becoming a sponsor! The NCTM Spring Conference attracts an influential pull of educators in the surrounding states. These are the people that shape the industry. Sponsorship opportunities combine pre-, during and post-conference exposure, engaging these professionals in an impactful way.

Establish Thought Leadership with Exhibitor Workshops!

Take exhibiting to the next level by participating in these one-hour sessions that allow you to showcase your products and services with more in-depth information and hands-on instruction. Workshops are available only to companies exhibiting at the NCTM Spring Conference. Date and time assignments are made on a first-come, first-served basis.

Reach Thousands Virtually!

NCTM virtual events provide a widely accessible, affordable learning experience for mathematics educators. Delivering a mix of live and on-demand education sessions, NCTM Virtual Conferences also build several opportunities to see and connect with colleagues through interactive roundtables and social activities.

Virtual Tote Bag Insert | $250

Contact your NCTM account executive for more advertising information.

Marshall Boomer
Account Executive
Territory #-E & Sp-Z
[email protected]

Schedule a Meeting

Laura Gaenzle
Account Executive
Territory F-So
[email protected]

Schedule a Meeting

Looking for information on becoming an exhibitor or sponsor at an NCTM event? Click here!

Terms & Conditions

These NCTM Advertising Terms and Conditions (“Terms”), together with the applicable Insertion Order (“Order”), are an agreement (“Agreement”) between the advertiser/agency identified on the Order (“Customer”) and NCTM (“Publisher”).


Payment for all space, production and position charges are due 30 days from invoice date; a 1.5% per month finance charge will be assessed on all payments received after that time. In addition, Customer will reimburse Publisher’s costs of collection, including attorneys’ fees, for overdue amounts.Customers more than 60 days in arrears on any Publisher invoice must pay all outstanding invoices or, at Publisher’s discretion, submit payment with copy before any current or future insertions will be accepted or run. Notwithstanding any provision in an Order or other agreement to the contrary, if Customer is an agency, both agency and principal advertiser are jointly and severally liable for all payments due hereunder. If Customer is an agency, Publisher reserves the right to notify principal advertisers regarding any overdue and unpaid invoices.


All NCTM Ad Rates are Net. Customer will be short-rated if, within a 12-month period from the date of the first insertion, Customer does not use the amount of media upon which billings have been based. Short rates will be based upon actual usage and published rates. Rate adjustments, if any,may be made by Publisher at its sole discretion. Rebates will be earned, and applied to billings, when, in a 12-month period following the first insertion, Customer runs sufficient space/ media to qualify for the lower rate. If there is a shortfall in impressions delivered online by Publisher, such shortfall can be made up, at Customer’s option, in the period following the campaign. If there is less than a 10% discrepancy between Publisher and third party ad server counts, then the campaign will be considered to have been delivered in full. Media billed at quoted rate will earn maximum discount based upon Customer’s annual total spend in print, eMedia, event sponsorship and additional products as outlined at time of contract.


Except for permitted cancellations with timely notice; Customer is fully responsible for all media purchased pursuant to this Agreement.

Print: covers, preferred and special positions are non-cancelable. For all other positions, Orders may be cancelled without penalty by Customer only upon written notice received by Publisher prior to the issue advertising close date. If Customer gives notice after the issue advertising close date, then (i) cancellation is not permitted if materials have been received by Publisher, or (ii) if materials have not been received by Publisher, then cancellation is permitted subject to Publisher approval and Customer’s payment of a $2,000 net cancellation fee. Rate adjustments resulting from permitted cancellations, if any, will be made upon confirmation of the change in media spend. Customer is not entitled to review or revise advertisements that are received by Publisher’s production department after the issue advertising close date. If new materials or material instructions are not received by the production department by the published materials deadlines, Publisher will repeat the most recent ad materials.

Online: Online space requests are not guaranteed. Firm dates and inventory assignments are based on availability at the time the order is processed by the Publisher. Final inventory assignments are available upon request. If requested online inventory is not available, the Publisher will use good faith efforts to provide reasonable alternatives, subject to the termination rights set forth in this agreement. If Publisher does not receive online advertising materials in proper format 5 business days prior to campaign start date set forth on the Order, Publisher shall have the right, but not the obligation, without relieving customer of payment obligations under this Agreement, to replace Customer’s material with either (1) an ad council PSA or (2) repeat the most recent ad materials, which replacement shall made 5 business days after the date the Customer’s creative is received in proper format by Publisher (rich media ads can take longer). At any time prior to the serving of the first impression of the online campaign, Customer may cancel effective 30 days after Publisher’s receipt of written notice, without penalty. For clarity and by way of example, if Customer cancels the campaign 15 days prior to the serving of the first impression, Customer will be responsible for the first 15 days of the campaign. Upon the serving of the first impression of the campaign, Customer may cancel the NCTM Terms & Conditions [ 22 ] campaign for any reason, without penalty, by providing Publisher written notice of cancellation which will be effective after the later of: (i) 30 days after serving the first impression of the campaign; or (ii) 14 days after providing Publisher with such written notice.

Exceptions: (i) E-Newsletter ads cancelled or rescheduled within 10 business days of scheduled launch date incur the full charge; (ii) Broadcast e-mail orders cancelled within 3 business days of delivery date incur the full charge; if cancelled 4 to 7 business days from delivery date, orders are invoiced 50% of the total cost; (iii) Recruitment services, ads, and ad placement fees will incur the full charge upon early contract termination.


By submitting an Order, Customer accepts these Terms. Orders are subject to these Terms. Publisher is not bound by any Order or other document that conflicts with these Terms, nor by any oral or written promises or representations made by its sales representatives, and no such promises or representations have been relied on by Customer in entering into this Agreement. Any discrepancy between the price and/or terms set forth on an Order and Publisher’s rate schedule shall be deemed a clerical error, and Customer will be charged for all advertisements in accordance with the rate schedule then in force. Uniform rates apply to all advertisers at all times. Submission of any advertisement constitutes Customer’s representation that publication of the contents has been duly authorized. Customer (jointly and severally with principal advertiser, if the Order has been submitted by an agency) will indemnify and hold harmless Publisher, its members, officers, employees, and agents, from and against any losses, claims, suits, actions, demands, judgments, settlements or orders, including but not limited to attorneys’ fees, based on the contents of Customer’s advertisement including,without limitation, allegations that such advertisements constitute libel, violation of privacy rights, plagiarism, infringement of any trademark, copyright or other intellectual property right, or caused other injury to third parties. Publisher at its sole discretion may reject advertising for any reason including, without limitation, unsuitability for the publication. Advertising copy that may be mistaken by a reader as news or other non-advertising materials must be clearly marked “Advertisement”. Publisher reserves the right to add the word “Advertisement” above or near any advertisement that in Publisher’s sole judgment, too closely resembles editorial content of the publication. Advertising that elicits significant reader complaints will not be rerun until the complaints have been investigated and issues resolved. Publisher shall have no liability for (i) delays in delivery and/or non-delivery of its services, including publication of advertisements, whether or not the causes of such delays or non-delivery are within or beyond the control of Publisher, (ii) errors in key numbers, the Reader Service section, advertisers’ index, or any type set, (iii) any corrections or changes made to any advertiser’s materials, (iv) content errors or color variations between the digital file and the printed image if: (a) a high-end SWOP proof is not provided; (b) the file must be converted to CMYK; or (c) any of the published digital specifications are not met. Conversion to Publisher’s requirements will be billed at Publisher’s cost. Publisher does not guarantee printed or electronic results. Publisher assumes no liability for ad materials beyond normal careful handling. Customer will provide Publisher access to its third-party ad server reports prior to campaign launch if Customer chooses to serve the campaign from a third-party ad server. Except for the indemnification obligations set forth in these Terms, (i) each of Customer’s and Publisher’s aggregate liability under this agreement shall be limited to the amounts paid (or payable) by Customer to Publisher under the Order, plus Publisher’s costs of collection, if incurred, and (ii) neither party shall have any liability for any special, consequential, indirect, exemplary or punitive damages, regardless of whether such party has been advised of the possibility of such damages and notwithstanding any failure of essential purpose of any limited remedy. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of and for the Commonwealth of Virginia without regard to conflicts of laws principles. In the event of any dispute or claim arising from this Agreement, the parties hereby irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal and state courts in and for Fairfax County, Virginia, as applicable.

Digital Ad Requirements

SpecsNCTM e-JournalsSumming Upnctm.org
Dimensions (width x depth)560 x 90 pxBanner ad: 650 x 100 px300 x 250 px
160 x 600 px*
File SizeMax 40KMax 30KMax 40K
AnimationNot acceptedNot acceptedMax 15 seconds
Resolution72 dpi72 dpi72 dpi
SpaceTwo weeks prior to broadcast dateTwo weeks prior to broadcast dateThirty days prior to online date

*160 x 600 ad applies to illuminations.nctm.org only.

Send ad materials to: [email protected]

All advertisers are subject to review and publisher’s advertising policies.

Digital Ad Deadlines

2025 Digital Ad Deadlines

Month ad is
running in
Art deadline

2026 Digital ad deadlines

Month ad is
running in
Art deadline

Sponsored Eblast Deadlines

Must provide materials two weeks before your send date.

Ad Submission Requirements

  • Send digital ad materials to: [email protected]
  • When emailing us your materials, please include the client acronym in your subject line.
  • All advertisers are subject to review and publisher’s advertising policies.
  • Necessary alterations are the responsibility of and at the expense of the advertiser. All materials must be submitted in accordance with the published deadlines and meet the criteria stated in the advertising policy.

Ad Submission Info


  • A high-resolution PDF/X-1a file is required for all ads.
  • Colors must be CMYK. No ICC profiles, RGB, or Pantone colors.
  • Resolution of all photography and scanned illustrations must be at least 300 dpi. Line art should be 600 dpi.
  • Vital copy and images must be at least 1/8” away from trim. Spread ads must have at least 3/8” total gutter.
  • Materials should be submitted without crop marks, but full-page ads should include the required 1/8” bleed.
  • All fonts used must be embedded in the PDF file.
  • Using the bold, italic, or other style keys is not encouraged. Please use the bold or italic version of the font. (For example, instead of making Adobe® Garamond bold with the style key, use the actual font for Adobe® Garamond Bold.)
  • Flatten all layers and set transparency to highest setting.
  • Ads must be suitable to print as-is. Association is not responsible for any errors in content.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Materials that do not meet the stated advertising specifications will be rejected.
  • Necessary alterations are the responsibility of and at the expense of the advertiser. All materials must be submitted in accordance with the published deadlines and meet the criteria stated in the advertising policy.


For instructions on how to upload your A high-resolution PDF/X-1a file, click here.


For digital submission please email [email protected] or you may upload directly into our submission portal.

For questions about your ad or the portal or if you need an invite, please reach out to [email protected].

For instructions on how to upload your file, click here.


[email protected]

The YGS Group
3650 West Market Street
York, PA 17404
Tel: 717.505.9701