About NAGC

The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) is the nation’s leading organization focused on the needs of gifted and talented children. Dedicated to uplifting and empowering those who support children with advanced abilities, NAGC provides energizing professional learning, impactful research, and inspiring advocacy to allow its members to work collaboratively so that all children have equitable opportunities and support to develop their gifts and talents.

Parenting for High Potential (PHP)

Parenting for High Potential (PHP) is an award- winning quarterly magazine for parents who want to make a difference in their children’s lives. You will find advice, resources, and tools to help you successfully navigate through the joys and struggles of raising your gifted children.

Parenting for High Potential (PHP) has been providing advice, tools, and resources for parents and caregivers of gifted children since 1996. Print issues are mailed to all Premier and Parent members of NAGC and are available online.



Editorial Calendar

Issue DateAd CloseArt DueMail Date
March12/1/241/1/25Feb. 2025
June3/1/254/1/25May 2025
September6/1/256/30/25Aug. 2025
December9/1/259/30/25Nov. 2025

Parenting for High Potential (PHP)

Advertising Rates

Back Cover – 1/2 Page$700$650$550$450
Inside Back Cover$2,000$1,500$900$800
Full Page$900$800$700$600
1/2 Page$550$500$450$400
1/4 Page$300$275$250$225

*Multiple ads insert interchangeable
*Rate same for 4-color/black & white ads


PositionBleedNo BleedLive area
Back Cover – 1/2 Page8.75″ X 5.75″8″ X 5″8.5″ X 5.5″
Inside Back Cover8.75″ X 11.25″8″ X 10.58.5″ X 11″
Full Page8.75″ X 11.25″8″ X 10.58.5″ X 11″
1/2 Page8.75″ X 5.75″8″ X 5″8.5″ X 5.5″
1/4 Pagen/a4.75″ x 5″4.75″ x 5″

Teaching for High Potential (THP)

Teaching for High Potential (THP) is designed with educators in mind. Each issue is filled with practical guidance and classroom-based materials for educators striving to understand and challenge their high potential learners.



Editorial Calendar

Issue DateAd CloseArt DueMail Date
February11/18/2412/2/24Jan. 2025
May2/17/253/3/25Apr. 2025
August5/19/256/2/25Jul. 2025
November8/18/259/1/25Oct. 2025

Teaching for High Potential (THP)

Advertising Rates

Back Cover – 1/2 Page$700$650$550$450
Inside Cover$2,000$1,500$900$800
Full Page$900$800$700$600
1/2 Page$550$500$450$400
1/4 Page$300$275$250$225

*Multiple ads insert interchangeable
*Rate same for 4-color/black & white ads


PositionBleedNo Bleed
Back Cover – 1/2 Page (horizontal only)8.5″ x 5.5″7.5″ x 5″
Inside Cover8.625″ x 11.25″8″ x 10.5″
Full Page8.625″ x 11.25″8″ x 10.5″
1/2 Page (horizontal only)8.5″ x 5.5″7.5″ x 5″
1/4 Pagen/a4.75″ x 5″

NAGC Insider

The Insider is a monthly membership publication sent to all NAGC members. It contains association news members count on and new content on gifted education topics. The Insider is mailed the first week of the month.

Ad TypeSpecs1 month3 Months6 Months12 Months/Annual
Box Ad300×250$975$2,700$5,275$9,950
Bottom Leaderboard728×90 or 630×60$850$2,400$4,550$8,675
  • Image/Logo format must be JPEG or .PNG file, @72 dpi, RGB
  • No animation Image cannot be treated as a regular banner ad
  • Headline: Advertiser supplies 5-7 words
  • Summary text: Advertiser supplies 50-70 words
  • Headline/Summary text must be plain text and cannot contain HTML or odd characters.
  • Call to Action text: Advertiser supplies text (e.g., Click Here, Read More)
  • Advertiser supplies URL ad should link to.

Sponsored Professional Learning Sessions, Workshops, and Webinars

Collaborate and build a partnership with NAGC by sponsoring an NAGC-approved session, workshop, or webinar.

Position your expertise as a valuable resource to the NAGC member/guest community by creating, and leading your own live or pre-recorded session, workshop, or webinar hosted by NAGC.

Your organization provides the speakers who offer a creative solution to an industry challenge that members want to solve. All opportunities must be approved by NAGC to ensure content is the best fit for our audience.

NAGC hosts and promotes the opportunity via email to its member/guests, NAGC website, NAGC Engage online community, and social media outlets. The sponsor receives the attendee list. Fee: $5,000

Option al Ad-On Opportunity: Recorded and featured in NAGC Engage Online Community Resource Marketplace under: Solution Provider webinar. 6 months – Fee: $1,000.

NAGC E-Blast

NAGC’s membership consists of K-12 teachers, parents, K-12 administrators, research and higher education faculty, and gifted education advocates.
Reach NAGC Community through email.

Fee: $2,500 /eblast


Image files accepted in PNG, JPG or GIF formats only; must be in RGB; and must be no larger than 80k. Size: 1200x400px. When submitting files, include URL for ad link.

  • Subject line length: 28 to 50 characters.
  • Preheader text length: 40 to 100 characters.
  • Email copy length: 50 to 125 words.
  • CTA length is between two to five words.


Avg. Sends


avg. open rate



Digital Ad Deadlines

2024 Digital Ad Deadlines

Month ad is
running in
Art deadline

2025 Digital ad deadlines

Month ad is
running in
Art deadline

Sponsored Eblast Deadlines

Must provide materials two weeks before your send date.

Ad Submission Requirements

  • Send digital ad materials to: [email protected]
  • When emailing us your materials, please include the client acronym in your subject line.
  • All advertisers are subject to review and publisher’s advertising policies.
  • Necessary alterations are the responsibility of and at the expense of the advertiser. All materials must be submitted in accordance with the published deadlines and meet the criteria stated in the advertising policy.

NAGC Postal Mailing List

Get directly in the hands of the gifted education community through the use of the NAGC Mailing List Program. NAGC offers mailing lists with postal mailing addresses based on the audience of your selection. The mailing list comes in an easy-to-use Excel spreadsheet.

How to Order a Mailing List

For your convenience, each mailing list is formatted as an easy-to-use Excel spreadsheet delivered via email as an attachment. NAGC offers lists with postal mailing addresses only. We do not sell or rent email addresses.

By placing an order, you agree to adhere to the NAGC Mailing List Rental Agreement, which is incorporated into the order form and states that each purchased mailing list is intended for single-use and is non-refundable.

Standard mailing lists take one week to process. Specialized lists may take two to three weeks to process. All mailing lists will be delivered electronically in a spreadsheet format upon approval of the intended mailing.

Please review the full NAGC Mailing List Rental Agreement below prior to placing your order.

NAGC Mailing List Rental Agreement

By placing an order online for an NAGC mailing list, customers agree to adhere to the following:

  • Renter understands and agrees that the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) is making these addresses available for one-time use only and solely for use on the mailing for which the sample was submitted for approval.
  • Renter shall not copy the mailing list or any part thereof for use on an additional mailing or to enter into a computer database for use at a later time.
  • The renter hereby agrees to submit a complete mailing sample to NAGC. NAGC may decline to provide the mailing list in the event that those materials do not meet with NAGC approval for any reason whatsoever.
  • It is understood and agreed that the rented list has been and will be monitored to prevent improper and unauthorized use, by a combination of one or more methods of computer control, to which the renter consents and agrees.
  • This agreement shall be binding upon the undersigned, its principals, and its agents.

Mailing List Options

ListList SizePrice
NAGC Members2,800-3,000$850
Regional Lists (each)Variable$450
CustomVariableContact for details

The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Annual Convention is the largest global gathering devoted to gifted and talented education. The convention brings together 2,200+ in – person and 4, 000+ virtual educators.

Why exhibit, sponsor or advertise at the NAGC Annual Convention?

SALESGenerate sales of your products that target gifted students and enhance their learning.
ACCESSThe convention provides many opportunities to present educational content, product, and service content, directly to attendees.
ENGAGEMENT The convention provides many opportunities to engage with attendees
EDUCATIONReceive complimentary registrations to all educational sessions and events.
EXHIBITOR SHOWCASEThe convention provides many opportunities for the exhibitor to provide an in-depth showing of their products and services directly to attendees.

“I have been to 100+ education conferences as an exhibitor. I have never, ever, seen anything like the level of enthusiasm I see at the exhibit hall opening at NAGC. The level of passion and excitement NAGC attendees have towards vendors is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Exhibiting here is a no-brainer for any organization looking to connect with educators and supporters of gifted children.” — ThinkLaw – Colin Seale

NAGC Leadership & Advocacy Conference

The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Leadership & Advocacy Conference is the most comprehensive national, annual event focused exclusively on public policy, legislation, and advocacy, to support gifted and talented children.

The Leadership & Advocacy conference gather the nation’s top minds to deliver a content-rich, three-day program to more than 200+ individuals that focuses exclusively on legislation, research, and grassroots advocacy for gifted children.


previously met with legislators


have 15+ years in gifted education

Why Sponsor and/or Advertise:

Support gifted education leadership training and help advocates promote the movement to SEE, TEACH, UNDERSTAND, and CHALLENGE gifted and talented children from all backgrounds.


Raise brand exposure and position your organization as a leader and influencer in the gifted education community.


Connect with advocates from across the nation and enhance relationships with school administrators, researchers, and teachers, as well as parents of gifted and talented children.


Receive complimentary registrations to the conference and learn about the key issues facing gifted education and current advocacy efforts.

Contact your NAGC account
executive for more information

Jeryl Parade

Account Executive
[email protected]

Schedule a Meeting

Terms & Conditions

Ad Submission Info


  • A high-resolution PDF/X-1a file is required for all ads.
  • Colors must be CMYK. No ICC profiles, RGB, or Pantone colors.
  • Resolution of all photography and scanned illustrations must be at least 300 dpi. Line art should be 600 dpi.
  • Vital copy and images must be at least 1/8” away from trim. Spread ads must have at least 3/8” total gutter.
  • Materials should be submitted without crop marks, but full-page ads should include the required 1/8” bleed.
  • All fonts used must be embedded in the PDF file.
  • Using the bold, italic, or other style keys is not encouraged. Please use the bold or italic version of the font. (For example, instead of making Adobe® Garamond bold with the style key, use the actual font for Adobe® Garamond Bold.)
  • Flatten all layers and set transparency to highest setting.
  • Ads must be suitable to print as-is. Association is not responsible for any errors in content.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Materials that do not meet the stated advertising specifications will be rejected.
  • Necessary alterations are the responsibility of and at the expense of the advertiser. All materials must be submitted in accordance with the published deadlines and meet the criteria stated in the advertising policy.


For instructions on how to upload your A high-resolution PDF/X-1a file, click here.


For digital submission please email [email protected] or you may upload directly into our submission portal.

For questions about your ad or the portal or if you need an invite, please reach out to [email protected].

For instructions on how to upload your file, click here.


[email protected]

The YGS Group
3650 West Market Street
York, PA 17404
Tel: 717.505.9701